What's up ya'll? Christmas is coming. So I was wondering.. How do ya'll celebrate Christmas? Anything special? And how does Christmas work where ya'll live?
Myself: Tommorow night I'm gonna celebrate with my sister, her husband and her son. We gonna eat dinner, and we're gonna unwrap the presents. 25th of December I'm gonna eat dinner with my mum and my dad. 26th is a regular day allready. Next week staurday and friday me and Naomi are gonna do somthing like extended christmas day's, caus we cant hang out earlyer.
Where I'm from (Zwitserland), we celebrate 24th December. We give our present's, we eat, and we often go to church. The next morning we usualy have big breakfast. 26th of dember isnt a special day anymore. Me and my familly still carry on that tradition, even tho we live in the netherlands now.
How about ya'll?