Exactly. If you`r clear in your mind you know what kind of lyrics you can take in your hart an what type of lyrics you shouldnt pay tu much atention too and just enjoy the song. Ja Rule, Fat Joe, R.Kely.. ofcourse they tell allot of ish, but I stiil can anjoy the songs caus its done well. But they also have songs with great messages, they tell me to believe in my dreams, that nobody but god can judge me as a person, and that faily is importantn etc. And when they have messages like that I also take the lyrics into my hart insteed of just enjoying the track. I know other artits have songs with more messages, and I lsten to them to, but that dont mean I listen to this one.. As long as they make good music I like it, not mather waht they spit.. And if they sometimes tuch my soul its even better..
You see, we cant balem The Game etc. for haveing mostly violent lyrics in the charts, we should blame the media caus thats the only thing they play to make money. Thats not the fault of the artits, they sjust do what they can. The probelm is that the media doesnt have much balance aganist Gangtsa Rap, except for maybe the Peas and Will Smith.. They should play all of it, not just one thing.. Than everything would be aight.