I agre on the stuff about that the christina church did allot of bad things, but that hasnt realy aynthign to do with the religion. Thats just how they used people who believe. You can belive in God etc. without believing in the way the church preaches.. I believe, but I would never aggre on stuff like that (they gay thinsg etc), when the church says it. I also dont agree about stuff like "God saved me ect.". He`s watching over us, but I dont thinks he`s messing with us. But I have no rpoblem with other proble to believe that, caus who am I to say me version is the right one?.
What depends your lyrics, they are well writen. Like Wes sayd, it comes fom your hart but I dont realy agree.
Schnazz said it realy good. I agree with him.