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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Turntable

  1. Hm..I wanna see that LL Performance but they don`t show that Show over here.. Did anyone taped it?
  2. Damn..I live in the Netherlands to and my Birthday also is on Oktober 14 :mygod:
  3. Do you have that instrumental?I would like to have that please..
  4. Yep that one was great! And the Episode when she was watching over Nikkys scout Group :lolsign:
  5. Yeah, I pray every day for a better life I think it's gon' get better but it's like I'm never right Make about it Christ, I'm on both of my knees There's no hope, that why I'm smokin the trees Damn, all for the chees, I lost both of my mans That's why this toast is in the both of my hands Damn, and I'll sell coke and birds 'fore I go to work I go to the Range more than I go to church My whole mentality twisted, but this reality isn't it I ain't tryin to be fatality listed And yo reverend, gettin dough is like goin to heaven And goin to jail, like goin to hell But before I go in the grave, I'll go in the cell Just send my son mo' dough in the mail Oh well, but I got god on my side so I'm beatin the case This life crazy but I'm keepin the fait.. Cassidy-Can`t fade Me
  6. If he would still be alive and he would try to eat me i would let him remeber that he`s just a big chiken! I would kick his ass and than i would fry him and than i would eat him in my Burger!:chuks: Who`s bad now? :lolsign: I'd like to see you fit a chicken that big inside a burger! :lolsign: You are one crazy kid... If it's eatable..I eat it! No matter how big :lolsign:
  7. You gotta chek this out! http://www6.defjam.com/site/home.php The beat is great..Got a lil Old Skool flavour! And Red still sounds funny.. What ya`ll think?
  8. Yes that one is hilarious :lolsign:
  9. Yep great..I heard Cam`ron`s Album is also coming around Christmas!
  10. I actualy have that one...But i think most of the G.O.A.T Albums over here in Europe have that Song on it! I`m not shure tho..But mine version has it!
  11. If he would still be alive and he would try to eat me i would let him remeber that he`s just a big chiken! I would kick his ass and than i would fry him and than i would eat him in my Burger!:chuks: Who`s bad now? :lolsign:
  12. The one when his he was dressed up like a Reverend and talked to that Girl in that Bar :lolsign:
  13. That makes a lot of sense... :lolsign: Well..I think he`s to arogant and stuff but that Album is just "yeah" :lolsign:
  14. Yes but thats what i thought to.. But he`s making a lil fun of 50 in the lyrics..Thats pretty confusing :lolsign:
  15. Kanye West-Diamonds I hate him..But i want that stupid abum! :lolsign:
  16. Donw`t worry i found it! Its great..Ghostface and AZ dope as allways.. But i still think the Beat of Ja`s New York is great!
  17. I have no Idea..I found this on Limewire! Oh and do you have that Track with Az,Reakwon and Ghostface?I would realy like to hear that..
  18. Noooo.....Nelly ok i can live with that..But Ciara?I hate Ciara :davidblaine:
  19. I ain`t seeing my picture :lolsign:
  20. Thats just a nautral reaction... :rofl:
  21. I`m still thinking we are realtives :lolsign: @ Topic: Jadakiss-Chekmate
  22. :lolsign: :rofl: :lolsign: :rofl: Wow..Damn what a bad day :rofl:
  23. I know there are a view here who like Game and the New York beat is banging anyway! So here..chek it out! http://rapidshare.de/files/4598511/TheGame...d_com_.mp3.html
  24. Pink..I love Pink lol Jeans or Cord?
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