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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by Turntable

  1. Ya'll have to realize that it costs a lot of money to be on air, they have no choice but to play stuff most people like in order to get commercials
  2. There are a lot of internet radio stations that are about to become as big as normal radio over here, there are some Hip Hop stations between them that play what you are asking for
  3. Yeah, well, I'm sure KRS won't put Marky Mark in a Hip Hop Museum
  4. I seriously doubt that Will is gonna be on there.. I think ya'll are interpretating that wrong
  5. Havwe you ever considered the possibility that you are listening to the wrong radio station?
  6. I cant watch it, in Germany you can not watch most music videos on youtube cause of some stupid law, but I dont like the song and I dont realy like Drake Bobby V.-Beep
  7. I like the track, J. Cole is dope, I'm looking forward to his Album, him and Fashawn are the real Drakes K'Naan-Waving Flags
  8. Thats why I take a judgement about something by guys like Chuck D or LL more serious than one by KRS
  9. Haha, I somehow agree with you, KRS is way too frustrated and too far away from reality these days.
  10. That shades songs was nice too, I think it's gonna perfect for the summer
  11. I told ya'll Nicki can rap, ya'll might as well believe me next time :bump2:
  12. The Intro of Ice-T's "Home Invasion" album is the most brilliant ish I ever heard K'naan-Wavin' Flags
  13. Rihanna - Rude Boy I dont like her, but this song is addictive
  14. Yeah sure, but sometimes I think that he's losing his touch on reality
  15. Amazing track man, it's one of my personal anthems, mainly because I tend to move around Europe, I always bump that track when I visit places I used to live
  16. K'naan - Wavin' Flag (Celebration Mix) Damn, Coca Cola sure knows how to pick out the diamonds for their add's.. Oh yeah, it's the world cup anthem too
  17. They should make up a Grammy for best networking just for Khaled
  18. Wow, damn, if he wouldn't be QJ he'd be paying his ass off
  19. Word, he just released some wack stuff, he dumbed down, but he aint that bad, he can make some nice stuff, I can appreciate him for who he is, I dont mind him releasing records
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