I will make you a list of at least two boom bap albums that drop every month if you want, starting this month:
Dynas - The Apartment (with production and scratches by Jazzy Jeff)
Blaq Poet - The Blaqprint (13 out of 15 tracks are produced by DJ Premier)
see you next month :prof:
thats true. but I thinl LL is a bad example. LL always trys to picks a sound that is in right now. back then he only did boom bap cause it was in i think.
jj fad could rerelease that song and it would be a hit, thats the sound thats hot right now.. just remaster it and make the drums kick a lil more and they'd be rocking the charts
I guess he needed 100 takes to record it. Evere saw Bow Wow live? He cant flow, he does not want to write his own ish, he takes every hot beat you give him. He's the perfect product.
Yeah, yeah I know, the German original is old too. But they songs just have the same vibe, and considering the dates it just seems weird to me. Maybve it's just a coincidence.
Omarion leaked a song that was not suposed to be leaked. I know the label could mess it up, but it's not like Drake is Joel Ortiz. He always was more Lil Wayne then Ghostface.