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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by J-o-e

  1. That is brilliant man, keep it up!!!
  2. That is long man but it's dope i just got sucked into reading it, good job man keep it up!!!
  3. That's great man, theres a possiblity that he will be there but as far as hosting goes....write to mtv haha...
  4. Half a day/ to one day....or something like that...not long at all which is cool, I thought when i died for the first time that was game over...I was like "Damn"
  5. I saw him in one movie and he appeared in that 8 Mile movie aswell, but thats all ive seen of him, im sure he cant be that bad....but probably is...
  6. Yea they don't need any more publicity, they all rich anyways so...
  7. He don't even do it btw, he just hosts the shít which takes like 10 minutes out of the day....Effort...I think not
  8. My best m8 is indian can I join? hehe I eat his food all the time, spicey food
  9. why dont you believe in cell phones? like if your stuck in the middle of no where with a full battery phone to call...you wouldnt use it? I mean if your in an emergency to call someone and you don't believe in cellphones, they must be one of the best inventions since cheese!!! haha
  10. If you sign up maybe...I'll ask around guys....
  11. Im not going to see it coz of X imma go see it coz of Jennifer Aniston, damn that girl fine...
  12. He's not exactly unique there are a few other compton rappers...but he defitenly is bring something no one else has before and i think thats the main thing...
  13. If you kill and win more fights the higher your strength goes, it's like if you got a game which allows u to create something, it takes time for you to build up the stats, and the way to do that in this case is kill as many peeps as possible, which as i can see Lerkie your doing quite well at...and the people who don't bother and just defend themselves are going to stay on the same level, so the more you fight the more chance you have in going to the second level...get me?
  14. Ah yea forgot about that rule...
  15. hahaha AJ U funny man, I've only heard The Documentary Which is a great album, but i'm sure you have reasons
  16. Yeah I don't think I was able to see it anyway....but I think this should be moved to rare JJFP if im not mistaken...
  17. haha damn AJ, I thought I was stupid...i've seen that done in movies but it was only cups of coffee haha...My 3 phone is scratched to shít and nothing I can do about it...so I need a new one, who knows maybe for xmas...
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