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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by J-o-e

  1. Good Battle.....whos sucked? dont wana start another one do we? haha....
  2. Thanks 4 the link, i had 2 warnings before, but then since i found a great switch remix, i got rid of em, so u can redeem yourself if u have warnings, easy on the new kid, im sure everyone can realise that hes NEW and doesnt know alot....damn
  3. but homie u cant beat me, so its a technicality look, your rapping just like your drunk to me, your nuttin but a small little punk that ill brush off as soon as this rhyme hits your head and its the line that will cause u to have a meltdown coz im the king its not a thing wearin this gold crown im really ruthless when it comes to this then u might toothless if u try and diss and the weaponds of mass destruction i can jus say ur moms so fat she needs loposuction but hey im getting in a head of my self and right before your girls bed and my self i wish i was rich, but ur moaning just like a bitch man ur anoyin just like you cant reach an itch and me being picked 6th? its better than being last man u gotta get amenisea to forget ur terrible past my rhymes so sick, ur a prick, u like to **** D*ck? and just because ive cursed in this verse doesnt change the outcome in who's gonna be in the hearse
  4. nah i think hes cool about it,
  5. I've got 6 songs from this board that i want on my next peice of work, im going to be really strict on myself, these lyrics are going to be the best peice of work i've done, so in a way it was a good thing...but a bad thing...
  6. sorry whats your name again, rawad? if u ever beat me, homie u'll need a reward let me answer the question, do u have crediblity you will never have the same skill as me or as real as me, me and bracesup like 2pac and snoop rhymin chillin, could see me spittin at a stoop living life as high as i can, are you a man are you physically able to understand these words that i say, u need to pray dont mean to diss but i can beat u anyday give me a beat to rap over and im doing it all night but if u give me a decent diss, then i might have to fight i dont wana bust, but its a must coz of ya lust u love rapping dont ya, need to learn the song "4 Us" its crazy cause i gotta start from scratch dont kno that? imma hit u in the face with a bat look if i had a gun, i wouldnt shoot u in the brain u will die painfully, die lyin there, going all insane
  7. Hmmm...i didnt like that video that much, but just go to a random will smith fan site to get it...im sure u can find it
  8. how could i forget new jack city, i watch that every now and then, got it on DVD,
  9. But you cant do your math correctly, re-count and come at me feelin my rage on this page as j-o-e how u gonna come back all out dissin when ur ass nobody else was missin i dont mean to be mean, but its true look its bagotrasho, look what i thru ur rhymes out the window, i treat u like my dough splashin it around, just like my flow if u cut me, homie feel my artillery but as far as agility comes into the salary coz lets face it, im a money maker and whoever comes across my way, is a playa hater i dont care bagotrasho ill take you down squash your sound and then beat u six feet underground and thats it, no more bago ur dead? u read this rhyme, now keep it in ur head
  10. Its Offical I Have To Start Again...its all good though
  11. Thank You!!!!! Ill Be Back Online and tell you in 10 minutes...
  12. Thanks...I Guess My Next Album will be called "Start From Scratch" Or Something. Haha
  13. Nothing, the file is still there, just no text in the document, it turned into notepad and then i saw a save button on the bottom of the screen and then it saved i exited and re-entered and then it went back to the document. not wordpad with no text init, so im thinking my computer saved the plain document over my lyrics...unless u can retreave the old documents...cant do anything about it.
  14. I Like the comedy one called "Dont Be A Menace In South Central LA While Drinking Gin And Juice In The Hood" thats the most funniest hood film i have ever seen, it has got the wayans bros. init, im not to sure if ya'll like them though...
  15. I have no choice but to start over from the beg. because my lyrics on my computer have been lost, no trace of them at all....i'm really anoyyed because i had lyrics that could cover around 6 albums....its a shame but i have no other choice. Thought i'd let ya'll know.
  16. Thats A Good Thing For The Team....Go Phillies!!!
  17. Did you ever think that other people may have different views, some say that rakim is the lyrically the best, some say that jay z is the most overratted, blah blah blah.....well what i think is that all of us here have to respect each and every artist that you name, because at the end of the day, how can we say that Nelly "One Of The Worst Rappers Ever" But he has to be good enough to: A: Get A Record Deal B: Become Rich C: The Fans Love Them so i dont we have no right at all to dissrespect any artists, because lets face it, they made it and we havent....so why say 50 cents whack, when it real case he will rip all of us in this board....and some of us could stand up to him and make him try....but at the end of the day....the majorirty of people who love 50 cent is more people here.....you feel me?
  18. I didnt know philly changed there coach....i hope the new coach is a good one though, Is he James?
  19. I like the ambulence guy aswell Sticks and stons my break ya'll bones but a 50ft fall will killl ya'll a agree wit topdawg, nia long is fine, i think its early when will gets homesick, is that ty? well he was funny as well....in the resturant, him saying "We Just Got Married....Joke..."
  20. Happy Birthday, But I've Already Said That!!! Have A Good One!!!
  21. I'm sorry i never said welcome to the board well i geuss, that i was just kinda, bored. rawad u wana restore rap like it used to be how can u do that when the games changes simply its a way of life, will smith aint the biggest rapper just like a big choclolate bar, aint the biggest wrapper do you even understand what im trying to say? beat me? no way? save that for a rainy day i like the last 2 lines, u set the benchmark imma create a spark, so people like u can see in the dark
  22. for you bracesup that was pretty weak but my raps not the same without it hittin the peak you figit to much to have your digit dancin so much u gonna become a midjit dont mean to diss, but, i think, i got, the gyst your lyrics may be sick, but whos sucking d!ck lickin pr!cks and lookin at my new tricks.... if ho's have a vertical smile then ill freestyle and make the show worth while look, we been at eachothers throats for ages lets skip a few pages, to the end of all the rages pretend that the end wont be here 4 u my friend but its the henn that keeps my locked up, turnin a bend
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