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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by J-o-e

  1. Pkey thats it i was only gonna be patience i was being nice its not my fault u were grown up with lice oh u think ur in the R.O.C with jigga and kayne maybe u need to get your head around the right way your an idiot, an insult to rap, ur crap homie take the insults, oh do i really have to slap im gettin anoyyed just readin that your the best well put it to the test bitch, u already need a rest i can do this thing all day and all night ask this board, coz they all know im right what are you doing u? u a fan of will? coz u aint real? so homie heres to deal, how u feel? about me rippin u to peices, even ur neices can rip u into a shread, did u hear what i just said? why even start a battle if u gonna be left for dead they day that your offensive imma die and i dont mean to be shy, but why u lie ask "Don jiggy he heard of me" bitch ill beat u and thats just a gaureentee so if u listen to my mission coz im just pissin all of u and all of your raps, ur a disgrace if u wana live for another 2minutes, leave this place and dont came back homie, come on show me that was your warnin shot? lets see what ya got when j-o-e gets on the m-i-c he rocks the spot i dont mean to be mad when i say get it straight i dont wana hate, its just ur an idiot whos never bin on a date and whats this that your a king? its just a thing if ur the king come on man wheres ya bling? and why u call us mothersuckas can u say it? motherfu*ckers, u better say down and pray it u just need to think about dreams and reality u messin wit j-o-e and fpc, its now a technicality wot u geussin, coz im just pressin now im testin u, and the end of this, ill be restin u u neva knew about me untill i dissed u the girls hate u, the only women who kissed u was ur mother, and i aint going about oh brother coz ur a bother, when was the last time u had a lover see ive been waitin for someone to be hatin then ill flip the script and the audience can be debatin dont u realize theres a battle going on? so please shut the hell up with ur songs its boring me to death, i need to take a breath but if i dont my health will expire and ill knick ya wealth, damn look at ur name ur a little willy trying to beat me, man dont be so silly pkey what are u even chattin? ill diss u in english, even in latin u can even afford a range rover so if u in the R.O.C say hello to H.O.V.A for me coz i know thats all bull**** u need to quit, and forfiet coz imma spit untill my tounge goes dry or i die u gonna fry, tell me why the hell u lie u gonna come back with something all whack dont bother coz whatever u say it dnt mean jack i can diss u but all the words would be censord get a steady job forget rap, get ur pension, homie
  2. Thanks 4 this, i always wondered how well will has done in the UK
  3. honeslty i cant be bothered to carry this on.....its gonna keep going on and on.....u agree?
  4. why would i try and be 50 cent that ass would get me a chocolate bar then spent all the money down the drain, man u kno my name puttin u do shame coz its all the same, pure lame if u dream u can beat me better wake up other wise we gon have to get jigga and kelly to break up when this rap game crosses its a reality but if u try and diss me well thats a technicality man u gotta think of something new, orginality flow and the pure skill to be this real, i knew i had to deal but i just couldnt feel what u were trying to diss me as? rat mas taz as triphle h says im the game, i dont care bout fame i rule this world its my from the begining i was here when it started, when all the sinning i aint gonna stop rappin, i really love it so why doesnt the law apply to u? u above it? see ur cool wit ur smart punch lines and cool gags but i aint got time for u or ur crew full of fags and im now a women tennis player u jackass im wreckless, shall i diss u back, i might just pass u look on tv and what u see? that politcion so the information for the nation, money for education which clearly u didnt get ur head around but now ya moma ya sister and ya girl get my bed around.... :hilarious:
  5. who the hell pkey? hes singing in the wrong key ur just like a bee, i let u sting once but then u die hear me straight? u gotta get drugs and get high aint the way i roll, homie pay this toll, nuttin else ur health is in danger, i would also say ya wealth but i aint got none, im shootin wit no gun, jus for fun u gonna scrap your jordans, why thats stupid? someone shot u in the head, opps it was cupid he missed his shot, he thought u was hot, i geuss not he thought u beat the lot, i bet ur "Lorreta" writing a love letter but realised it couldnt get any better schnazz comin out of no where wit a few lines i cant diss him though, ive only read one of his rhymes u wouldnt meet me in the battle coz tim beat me i thought i coulda won, then again u must have to treat me ya'll correct u cant even compare to my lyrical stride i will never hide my pride coz no ones at my side ya'll funny trying to compare to me, its deverstating never hating always debating, but im just pationely waitin for that throne to come home once again on the phone but when i rap this out best believe imma breath lower my tone.... so too all ya'll whack MC's i swing like a butterfly sting like a be ya'll know u can never compare to me........
  6. Good Battle Guys Good Luck To Both Of You!
  7. but that isnt "Fresh" Prince of bel air is it? its Prince of bel air its probably really posh
  8. I agree with ur point there FuQ i also believe that FPC had the best verse.....and hero1 not comin at me, he didnt have to he beat me with his flow and vocab....good first round guys!!!
  9. you know that was really funny especailly when i rob all ya money ill give u the keys of my car and call the cops coz ur not eminem but worse u get 1 shot try and survive ur the person in "Alive" ur so dumb u cant even do a high five u go to jump and then miss im laughin at u so much its makin me piss :kekeke: ur dr evil and im austin powers we should stop battlin, we'll be here for hours i could never consider u as the next 2pac ur so fat ur beer belly gonna get bigger with that 6pack lets face it, imma erase it and place it but u hate me coz imma make it and i hate u coz u gonna break it the rap games fallin to peices just like the earth the world was shook when ya mum had a birth im explorin the rap game, runnin circles around u imma better sound than u. im just poundin u
  10. cant download it, too many people have already but ive heard it before and i like it
  11. Thanks AJ! Rest In Peice Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes
  12. Welcome, u came to the right place to battle
  13. haha hilarouis bracesup what the hell is spitmaniau gon crazy just like eminem wen he realised he had a baby u kno u "gotta get thru this" just like her brother but at the end of the day ur her mother a grandma of rap its really attackin me a post ago u were backin me? ur like MC hammer when ur cheque bounces ur an antolope and im the lion who pounces i can diss u wit words but easier with verbs growin up livin it up givin it up to the herbs dont get me wrong, u sick u wearin a thong its like sisquo's song but u spit for too long
  14. now let me say theres a method to my madness but i also believe theres a method to your sadness im the general in the so called war, ive seen it before MC's try and out rap me but then get trapped with a whore sad to see that your thinking really hard to beat me homie it takes me two minutes to write, its so easily done just for fun never got a gun, so who's one? diss me about nefin my looks, coz i wiegh a ton? go on laugh at me, pity me, its not gonna work coz u comparin to an evil icon, yeh ur a jerk i dont care what i say coz in a few years ill start my sitcom dont get it twisted, u trying to beat me u kno where im from ill openely say it whenever and wherever, it doesnt matter coz ive been up and down, side to side homie i can batter but i can take a batterin, ur speakin a different langauge to me coz when im rappin i make it happin about to make me scrappin homie nuttin more than losin battles then win drinkin gin gettin faded, u aint hated, u aint commited a sin the lord say love thy neighbour but what if he hates everything u do coz u gettin cheese beggin please, its fate homie no need to debate, i aint cryin to my mum u takin it to serouisly, im strickly doin this for fun i aint bothered what u say anyway, anyday come on face to face ur gonna be lucky if we never meet in the same place so who's hard enough drinking shots of hennesy or any whiskey coz imma ride on all my enemies,
  15. then will had to came in to "rock the house" then told Jeff that "Hes The DJ Im The Rapper" just to get his point across. then lerkot is still wonderin about the 50 pink rabbits
  16. a very intresting discription there bago. how Mohhamed Ali compares to music....
  17. Kbfprince had the poke because it was a suprise so poke to wake up? i duno
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