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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by J-o-e

  1. And Bagotrasho its Ali ur one "When They Say That, Geuss What, There Lying to you"
  2. Nice Rhyme... my words stab u just like a sword ur only dissin me coz ur so bored u have no life, nuttin to do so what am i gon do? spit at u homie ill sh!t on u and thats it dont think imma forfiet, u betta quit say it before i make u dont think i would break u u comparin me to loads of stuff u cant beat me that easily, im tough lets compare u to vanilla ice then just maybe u were gettin the vice u diss me i diss u back u think im whack u say jack im layin flat down on the mat for a pin wana roll with me, down this gin do what i do just to get that r-e-s-p-e-c-t and maybe i can give u that crediblility but its the productivity in math uve seen me before though, feel my rath ive been here from the start to the end seen different friends, drivin in them coupe benz but i aint bothered coz they made it they played the game l and then paid it jus coz ur not on the same level as me dont think u can insult me and get away with it easily please me....come homie freeze me
  3. thats funny because your gettin more whack each rhyme, i dont even have to respond to jack its useless coz its like ur in the matrix mixed in with the hatred, completely fated but stick ya head up man its not over yet its over as soon as the ref says ready get set here we go the disses go on and on and i just keep writing songs and songs cant help it if im the greatest rapper uve seen ur rhymes are more anoyin than a crack fiend u done with me homie im hittin the KO punch if u had it your way, u would munch ya lunch but i dont see what your complain, its hot not rainin so put this rhyme back on again and again a single verse with no curse, knickin ya purse with no intentions of lettin u live, but in a hearse
  4. The Geust One For "Coquille St-Jacques, my ass! Death on a leaf!" is no other than hitch if no one got it
  5. Or if u want that song buy the single ive got it, includes a Big willie remix
  6. ill go along with that bagotrasho....
  7. i think will and jeffs chemistry wherever they are is purely amazing....ive seen will live on tv several times but the best was when they were both in miami for back in black, AJ didnt u go to that? i would of loved to be there....
  8. Ive Got the song if u just want it...
  9. Congratualtions Tim u through to the next round :wiggle:
  10. why ur going in loads of directions im slowley movin up in different sections get it right coz this rap thing ur trying ur lying u shud quit before u start dying u do what u do but make sure it dont backfire on u can u respond to this if u had the flu i wasnt gettin no v-i-c-e ya'll know me the come-dy J-o-e a few months ago i woulda cussed and dust but now im battlin back and never kickin up a fust what u gon do when they come 4 u? when the rap crew grab the mics and come thru im jus sayin coz i wana say it nuttin else i wana do but pray it but homie please u gotta on ya knees and ask the lord to give u cheese coz u aint gonna get it rappin when u perform homie it aint happenin who wants to see arnie in lingerie even his wife dont, he'll have to pay Bracesup ur now braces down as i close this battle ur 6ft underground
  11. i knew tims was a battle rhyme....thats why hes beaten me isnt it?
  12. I wouldnt go that far....but thanks FuQ!!
  13. Would it be easier if Schnazz goes first? and if Scyhigh dont respond by say tommorow u win or sumden
  14. Its a shame that the start has to be your end// when the game decides u have no more friends// but check it even though you dont see me with no security// u can never put the fear in me, u gonna attack my lyrically?// because at the end of this rhyme u gonna be in crutical condition// but this competition is so hard, but tim u mite need a phsyican// even if this rhymes so hot u cant touch it, or out wit it// cause at the end of the day i always send out that rappin sh!t// i cant remember how many beefs ive had all over this board// its a shame ya'll can sing the right chord the reason ur bored// is because you have nothing else to do, your too weak// to face me maybe i shud slap your cheek, ur on a losing streak// when im older ill be sitting on chrome while ur watchin at home// dont you ever get the feeling that ur all alone, sittin at that phone// coz if i ever shed a tear, it be at my concerts with upper tiers// hearing the crowd cheers, ur choices are so server so its me you should fear//
  15. fan 4eva he didnt say that, he said "Doesnt Mean I Cant" means he could
  16. I Dont See How Producing the trax can ruin his legacy, yea eminem is wack, but the beats for better dayz are dope, im listenin to the album right now, 2pacs legacy will always live on with the lyrics he has rapped over the ten years of his death. i believe it is about time for 2pac albums to stop being released.....but im still a huge pac fan and always will be!!
  17. Good Luck 2 everyone in the battle!!
  18. Aight do u understand why my music flows in my blood why u think half the amount of teenagers are smokin bud homie know the facts, never attackin they do it to me first so then ill bite my lip before i ever curse in a verse but ya'll need to learn to a lesson being well taught dont steal, dont do dumb stuff or u might get caught and u gotta stand like a man and try not to be a snitch coz if u are u aint nuttin on the street, jus a bitch maybe u need to fight and put ur fists up when im finished he better make sure he wearin a cup but i dont encourage voilence, i broke the silence people from all over the world joinin up in this alliance people drivin cars from coupe's to benz, to minis one stack of hundreds then a month later twenty i notice ya'll try and rhyme but lie at the same time its like u forgot the words to your song but kno a line so yet its another freestyle jus for old time sakes numero uno is better than the industry, full of fakes now tell me why my mum crys at night? tear droppin from her ear coz i gotta fight but dont worry moma i promise there be no more drama we got a war, and even if we won, its all still gore people dyin for pay cheques makin millions and more i dont see it that way so if i pray to god and hope for a better day the devil can bite his life coz what can he say?
  19. Why does everyone always chat about eminem and will...wills clearly a better mc and doesnt even need to be mentioned "Will Smith Dont Have To Cuss To Sell Records Well I Do So F*ck Him And F*ck U To" "Dissed By Eminem But Did It Bother Him (Nope) Big Will Get Another 20 Mill Walk Straight Past E"
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