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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by J-o-e

  1. How many times is this post going to appear???? Eminem dissed will jus coz eminem was at the beg. of his carrer and didnt know any better, will already responded to eminem, if he called him out on a track i honestly dont know who will win, because FP is true hip hop, but eminem has millions of fans of his, dres and g units label, i dont think FP has any reason to attack eminem really, if its a little joke something like that it would be fine, but if will serouisly callls him out, looks like we got another beef in rap history, and tell me, is will smith a beef rapper? does he look 4 it? he can handle it, but why would he want to when he has so many different things to worry about, his family, his carrer, compare that to eminem
  2. 2pac - All Eyez On Me CD2 "Rather Be Ya N****"
  3. I neva saw it even when i did have quicktime, didnt work 4 me, but oh well, ill wait untill its on MTV Base or sumden like that
  4. Jus Checked Out The Audio, Defitenly a song that i would buy, why arnt u big yet man? haha....good audio
  5. FuQ always a fan of your music, ill check out audio later J-o-e
  6. nah, i dont believe if I,robot one an oscar it will have anything to do with will, cause if it does then it would win specail effects...blah....
  7. hey, i jus saw at 10.00 on saturday evening, one of will smiths movies called "Made in america" is on trouble, (607) for sky holders, there is also a FPOBA marathon on from 12.00 till 4, 8 episodes back to back thought u mite want to know J-o-e
  8. I Like This FuQ, I Love The Song Brendas Got A Baby, I also Wrote A Song like that A while back called "Beautiful Baby", i think i posted it here a while ago actually....cant remember J-0-e
  9. jedi2002jaime@hotmail.com The Line u was talkin about is But lately I've been feelin like Will Smith Why bother with rap when I can get 20 mill' on a flick?
  10. I think its brilliant, cause will is teamin up with the best sellers at this moment, hes doing a song wit luda, reports of doin a song wit justin, mary j blidge, etc....he gets even more people lovin him now, ludacris fans would love him, justin timberlake fans, and mary j fans, fact is, more superstars he does dope songs with, people are gonna think hes dope, but hey, he already is, hes the highest paid income actor, i cannot wait for this album to come out, do we kno about a tittle yet?
  11. Its a crimbo album 4 me, since i got it for christmas, so...
  12. Wot about Actors Turned Directors: Denzel Washington Mel Gibson Clint Eastwood i would like 2 c some of them do ir lol
  13. i listen to the album from the intro through it, coz 2 me each album any artist makes they are telling a story, and after hearin the whole album once, then u will kno ur fav tracks on it, instead of liking number 2, and thats it, u dnt listen to the album apart from that song
  14. Oh, yeah hehe, soz sealk, delete my post tim, haha
  15. Nah, Sealk ur wrong, obie trice wasnt trying to get into d12, never will be in d12, hes jus in shady/aftermath/g unit records
  16. Ok, now i know sealk u got this straight but since at the start, u started off this debate now its not my job to hate, jus to decide fate u beat me on a teachnicality, its a harsh reality now think at the morality, think about ur sexuality i dont care if i lost, since it was a brutality tell me, why do u think ur feeling so numb ur a little baby, stop sucking on ya thumb if u cant get ur way once, ur runnin to ya mum ive done the rhyme, u commited the crime i ran out of time, im jus in my prime ur lucky, u beat me, now i gotta take the sign but not untill i finished what i wanted to say, relax thats it, no more winin about ur small attacks im hittin ya back, pay me ur tax sealk, why dont u talk about america takin oil im killin u, like they are on your own soil be strong, please man, u gotta be loyal i got it, sealk ur the groom, and then tims the bride but the bride dont wana marry so she has to hide then sealk, dont cry, jus try and hide ya pride, hes not ya side now, if ur a homosexual, and tims a bisexual who in this board is actually a normal hetrosexual i jus dont get it, ill bet it, ill set it ur in my submission so B**** jus submit to even battle me, u need a god damn permit That was my battle, up 2 u lot if it counts
  17. Fair Dues, My Internet Was Down 4 A Few Days Gd Battle Sealk!!!! haha
  18. Did Anyone mention mobb deep, he should do a song with mobb deep, or maybe beastie boys, haha, they would be crazy to listen to
  19. I Like that approach, but if i was to spit that song, since i read it i knew how my flow would go, if i read my stuff i write...if u kno what i mean?
  20. Da Breaks, u kno im in...
  21. Sealk, Good Song, Nothin Wrong With It Except the missing word that FuQ missed out, i was just wonderin, how is the beat to this? i believe u would be lookin for a slow flow?, so u can say all ur words clearer to the girl u are giving the gift to, J-o-e
  22. Mines coming along "Slowley" But im slowley doing it, ive got the beat for the song "4 Us" Me and FuQ, so thats a good thing, i can practise my flow untill i pick up a microphone, places closed early this year, i normally would of gone down town to pick the mic up, but it was shut wednesday? lol
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