Ok, now i know sealk u got this straight
but since at the start, u started off this debate
now its not my job to hate, jus to decide fate
u beat me on a teachnicality, its a harsh reality
now think at the morality, think about ur sexuality
i dont care if i lost, since it was a brutality
tell me, why do u think ur feeling so numb
ur a little baby, stop sucking on ya thumb
if u cant get ur way once, ur runnin to ya mum
ive done the rhyme, u commited the crime
i ran out of time, im jus in my prime
ur lucky, u beat me, now i gotta take the sign
but not untill i finished what i wanted to say, relax
thats it, no more winin about ur small attacks
im hittin ya back, pay me ur tax
sealk, why dont u talk about america takin oil
im killin u, like they are on your own soil
be strong, please man, u gotta be loyal
i got it, sealk ur the groom, and then tims the bride
but the bride dont wana marry so she has to hide
then sealk, dont cry, jus try and hide ya pride, hes not ya side
now, if ur a homosexual, and tims a bisexual
who in this board is actually a normal hetrosexual
i jus dont get it, ill bet it, ill set it
ur in my submission so B**** jus submit
to even battle me, u need a god damn permit
That was my battle, up 2 u lot if it counts