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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by thommey

  1. Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Under the Bridge
  2. I'll translate the whole interview when i got some free time. peace tom
  3. yeah, jeff really should persuade Will of recording some songs.
  4. Was Will able to understand that? Absolutely, but Will had his own plan though: He knew that his market value is going to be ummeasurable through his hollywood-movies, so he could dictate his own terms to Sony/Columbia. It really paid-off. The movie „Men In Black“ was a hit and the song was one of the greatest hits worldwide for a couple of months. Will sold 25 million records in the aftermath of Jive. He really showed them how to do it and I was happy for him. I would have worked with him further on, i’d have made beats for him and i’d have toured with him, but i wouldn’t have subscribed for a major. Will understood my point of view totally, we’re still chummy. Was Will on the list you were just talkin about? Oh yeah, absolutely! I phoned him and he was thrilled. Unfortunately he was really busy (of course ) so we keep trying to set up a date. I don’t want him for 1 or 2 hours in the studio – I want him for 1 or 2 weeks. I want to get back the good ol vibe which we had back then when we recorded „He’s The DJ, I’m The Rapper“. We wrote that album in 2 weeks in the basement of my mum. I recently moved and I got a huge studio in my own basement now. I want him to come by and try to create a atmosphere like we had at that time. Just Will and me, nobody else. I want us to pretend as it was 1986 again. Will’s problem in the last 10 years was definitely the beats. Mostly they were wack. But I think the problem primarily ist that Will is surrounded by apple-polishers. When we worked together I could say somethin like: That doesn’t work, the beat aint good, the line aint good, you know? Now there are ppl who think Will is the biggest guy on earth and so he doesnt get along with criticism – and the success proves him true. I’m not that type of person, ima musician. If i’m in the studio with Sting and he sings off-key i say: Let us do that again. Real artists respect that. That’s why Will agreed when i put my idea across. Even if we only wangle to get one good song, it’s okay – but maybe we’ll record a whole album…
  5. thanks, but I still miss something..
  6. current status: lacking on ideas atm...
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O'Reilly_(commentator)
  8. Abstract Rude & Aceyalone - We like Breakbeats
  9. THANKS TIM!!!! its such a great track! tom
  10. i can't watch it, gettin the stupid error message. I trust in WesSyde :)
  11. DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince - Charlie Mack (1st out of the Limo)
  12. no, the image size is fine, thanks!
  13. ok, give me some fresh pictures of jeff :)
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