^^^ prob cause will don't need it man.. these people are scared i guess buisness is buisness though it explains why i am still hearing that eminem song here in london
haha man this is the most origional written i've ever seen haha there are alot more words you need to explain though maby in store for "dictionary pt.2" hahaha
he is already a really good actor man he just needs more movies and stuff underhis belt to go down as a All-Time ya know maby he should go into another tv show or something
thats pretty good man origional concept in ways soem lines could be better and more complex you did a good job on this one man GJ. can't wait to hear this.. we should collab hit me up in the pms or the chat when ever
^^ thats true man nice way to look at it all... WILL IS ILL is correct we need to check more confidently into kanyes album he deserves respect aswell most people do the same to will and you all are doing to kanye by judging off one song right.