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ash trey

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This section of the forum hasn't been the same for a while...here's my attempt at getting people to start talking here and help express themselves.

Ok so this song is in the same lines as Zion 1's - Bird's Eye View, Common's "I Used To Love Her", The Roots' "Love Of My Life" and Cormega's "American Beauty" where they personify hip hop as a woman. The most obvious criticism of this is that it's been done too many times before...but my defense is that everyone's heard a love song, so should people stop making love songs all together?

If it weren't for her, you could deem me a loner,

She connected with me, though seemingly older,

Not easily excited easily, but in her presence it's hard keeping composure,

Brought out the best and worst in me,

Resposible for healing yet hurting me,

Nonetheless she's got my respect-certainly,

My parent's couldn't stand or understand her,

Couldn't relate to her vocabulary or grammar,

But she was "Straight outta Compton" not Straight outta Stanford,

But not compromising her intellectuality,

There is no summarizing her personality,

Time and Time again it baffles me,

A girl with "the message" yet profound sexuality,

With you it's hard trying to "snap back to reality",

And when I do it hurts like Newton's head under an apple tree,

Try not to think about her, but my subconscious battles me

I'll admit it, when I got into her, it was cool to like her,

Me and my friends trying to look cool beside her,

All arguing about who could ride her,

She acted as a muse to writers,

Some ended their infatuation,

They were either never too serious or discovered other fascinations,

But to me there will never be another as amazin'

It was possibly,

Due to the fact that I pursued her illogically,

Being a fellow outcast, I paid attention when she spoke to me,

Somewhere between song and poetry,

Fell in love with her hopelessly,

But we had our minor disputes,

Through which we would both win and lose,

At times what she said and did sounded a little insensible,

But I have to accept that you could never be one dimensional

One thing about her, she would never bore me with her stories,

Anytime she spoke she had my attention surely,

Who else would tell me that "the world is mine",

Even when I'm pulling my hair out composing worthless rhymes,

When she said "stand up" I said "get up",

Told me to "keep my head up"no matter however fed up ,

She was never too classy for me to get with,

Though she knew the answer, she always ask me,if she "can kick it",

She had experiences from all over the globe,

Talking about crooked cops and the dealings of dope,

She had a "California Love" with whom she sometimes got high and silly,

She told me there's nothing like a "Summertime" in Philly,

Her recollections are among the greatest stories ever told,

One of the few people who "Knew I had Soul",

She assured me I can "do anything I put my mind to it" and just tried,

She said we do what we have to do "just to get by"

Edited by ash trey
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