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Earthquake in UK

Jazzy Julie

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Now a few years ago i didnt think we could get earthquakes in this country, until about 6 years ago when i felt one.

So last night its 1am and im listenening to the radio, my door starts shaking a bit, it does this a lot when there is a draught etc, then it starts shaking loads and i realise my bed is also shaking. To put it nicely my bowels released lol. I thought it was 1 of 4 things, a) its an earthquake b) a bomb has gone off somewhere c) a plane has crashed or d) a ghost is shaking my bed and door. I keep listening to the radio and luckily the dj says it was an earthquake, it got to 5.3 on the richter scale.

Now to Americans this might not seem like much, but when u dont know what an earthquake feels like its so scary, and our buildings wernt made to stay up during an earthquake.

"The gound moved, THE GROUND MOVED, nobody was bothering it, it just moved"

anyone else feel it.

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lol, ill always remember the first time i felt an earthquake... I thought my brother was underneath the bed shking it, and then i found out there was nobody uner it, and started praying...

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I was probably the closest to it being in Sheffield, but i just shrugged it off and went back to sleep. Really strange cos normally i'd be intrigued by it all.

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