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I Am Legend Prequel


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"Variety is confirming what Francis Lawrence told ShockTillYouDop.com at Comic-Con International two months ago, that Warner Bros. is starting to get the ball rolling on a prequel to the 2007 Will Smith blockbuster I Am Legend, which grossed $584 million internationally.

As Lawrence already told us, he'll be returning to direct, and Variety reports that Will Smith will return as Dr. Robert Neville, as well as co-produce with his Overbrook Entertainment partner James Lassiter and the original movie's producer Akiva Goldsman. The screenplay is written by D.B. Weiss based on a detailed outline that was created by the combined forces of Smith, Goldsman, Lassiter and Lawrence, which will cover the final days of humanity in New York City before a man-made virus creates a plague that wipes out the population, leaving Neville alone with the mutated inhabitants."

...don't know how I feel about this.

Edited by Radewart
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I can only see more movies coming from Bad Boys and Men In Black. Possibly I, Robot...but only if it's perfect. I'd love for their to be another Hitch movie, it just doesn't seem like there's a right way 2 do it. Same with Sharktale. I'd love 2 see another but i don't know how they could pull it off properly.

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The first one was one of my fave movies, a prequel sounds like a stupid idea, im just hoping they have an amazing script and make me eat my words. To me it just seems like its gonna be a boring film about viruses and no zombies. The thing that made the first one special was that Will was all alone, they cant exactly do that in the prequel, its like saying they are gonna make mib3 with no aliens.

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The first one was one of my fave movies, a prequel sounds like a stupid idea, im just hoping they have an amazing script and make me eat my words. To me it just seems like its gonna be a boring film about viruses and no zombies. The thing that made the first one special was that Will was all alone, they cant exactly do that in the prequel, its like saying they are gonna make mib3 with no aliens.

Well, remember in the first one... In the flashbacks where he and his family were driving... That infected guy that jumed on the car... And the movie is gonna be about the time between then and "all alone"... So I think it can be a scarier movie, cause the infected might not be CGI this time... It will prob be more of a zombie movie, a bunch of scary looking infected people, and Will + some other actors...

We just have to wait and see, I hope this movie will be good, I'm not expecting a masterpiece... I'm just hoping they don't use CGI this time...

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I can't believe some of u are supporting this idea. Then again, some people actually wanted there 2 be a sequel to Independence Day. The movie stands alone. It has enough flashbacks there there's no reason for a prequel. There is no more story left to tell. Especially since the first one wasn't even that good. There is a 99% chance they will not be able 2 come up with a decent script therefore if they make the movie, there is a 99% chance it will be an hour and a half worth of crap so that they can make some money. The average movie goer probably won't think there's a reason for a sequel either and i doubt it'll do what the 1st one did. The movie is already forgettable to me. After I Am Legend and Hancock, it looks like Seven Pounds is gonna save his career. After that, maybe they need 2 focus on another Bad Boys or Men In Black before their time is up...especially becuz we need a movie where he's doing "that Will Smith thing."

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just when I think i'm starting to figure Will out. :shakehead:

so you'll pass on a possible BB3 to do a prequel to I Am Legend or a sequel to Hancock? this is only a possibility b/c of the whole "Will Smith can sell any movie" thing, God forbid he has a box office bomb, wonder how quick they'll change their tune about sequels and prequels, some movies just need to be left alone. I'm sure there's no shortage of good "new" material coming his way.

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If there's a prequel I'll see it but I don't need another I am legend movie. When I saw it I was like...'oh, ok, this is not what I was expecting' the 2nd time I liked it more but with one movie is enough. Leave zombies alone and come back with Martin Lawrence or Tommy Lee Jones!!!

Still don't know what is Wi'll next movie thou, I am legend prequel, the last pharaom... :nhawong:

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I don't really see the point of this, there is no need for it.

I agree here!

That's a really stupid idea, I don't know how it's gonna be in the end, what the movie is gonna look like...the story and stuff!

I mean I can imagine what the story is gon' be like but it's gonna be very uninteresting, it just can't be interesting!

Edited by E - Style-Greesy - E
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