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Lost Rakim Interview


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Rakim: The Lost Interview

By Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur

Rakim is one of the most influential artists ever, but that didn’t stop me from somehow losing my first and only interview with the “god of rap.” After some moving and some searching, the 30-minute chat has been unearthed. The Long Island native was supremely informative and surprisingly candid during the conversation. Rakim speaks on everything from the Dr. Dre debacle to ghost producing his biggest hits to the roots of a competition with Big Daddy Kane. Years old, this recently re-discovered interview is as green as pine tree.

AllHipHop.com: You and Dr. Dre. I know this may be a dead horse and everything, but this is the first time that we’ve talked so I have to ask. It could be argued that you and Dre are the best rapper and the best producer of all time.

Rakim: Exactly. Thanks.

AllHipHop.com: What went wrong that we couldn’t get collaborative album out?

Rakim: I think the best way to explain it is – I’ve thought about it. Me and Dre been in the game for a while and we both had our own M.O. Dre had his trademark and if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. And I had my way of doing my things. I was kind of stuck on my direction that I wanted to take, but I guess Dre had a different direction. So, it was hard getting on the same page. Things didn’t work out, but I respect Dre as an artist and I ain’t burning no bridges. Its like two different people trying to do two different things – like night and day.

AllHipHop.com: I saw you live one time, in Philly at Club Gotham many years ago. You were rockin’ and stage diving. You actually jumped on me…right in the neck. I was just hype though. It was crazy.

Rakim: I got things that I love to do and the crowd kind of loves that s**t too, where you go out there with the crowd. You let them know you’re just like them and want to party. I don’t do too much moving around, but I like to get right, you know what I mean?

AllHipHop.com: There were some rumors that you did a lot of early production for Eric B and Rakim, when you all were a group. How true is that?

Rakim: Yeah, I did most of the production.

AllHipHop.com: Will you be doing any more going forward?

Rakim: No doubt. I been in the crates. I’m going to produce a couple joints on this album and once I set up my label, I’m going to produce a couple for my artists as well. I’m back on my craft and presenting Hip-Hop the way I think it should be heard.

AllHipHop.com: What was the biggest record that you produced that we would know?

Rakim: You could say “Juice,” you could say “Eric B Is President.” My man Eric put the bassline on though. “Follow The Leader.” “Don’t Sweat The Technique.” “My Melody,” but Marley [Marl] did it at his crib. That was early. It was my idea. I could keep going man, [i produced] damn near everything. “I Ain’t No Joke.” “Move The Crowd."

“Musical Massacre.” “The Punisher.” “Lyrics of Fury.”

AllHipHop.com: [stunned] You did “Lyrics of Fury?” (This is a personal favorite of the writer.)

Rakim: No doubt.

AllHipHop.com: Between that and Kool G Rap’s “Men At Work,” those might be my favorite lyrical works of art of all time.

Rakim: I love that crazy s**t man. I love G Rap for that s**t too. That was like a whole little movement man.

AllHipHop.com: Speaking of that, lets segue to Big Daddy Kane a little bit. There were always rumors that you and Kane had an intense rivalry. Is there any truth to that?

Rakim: No, what happened was, the media started gassing me and Kane. They said, “Ra, I think Kane is going at you” and vice versa. I do what I do, man, and I ain’t got no shame with it. So, when I heard little things being said, I kinda fell for it. But that was early in my career. On “Let the Rhythm Hit ‘Em,” I had put a couple bars in there for Kane.

AllHipHop.com: You mean the lyric “Word to Daddy, Indeed?”

Rakim: That was a slang word in the hood so that wasn’t really for Kane. I had four or eight bars that were for Kane that I took out. That’s why people thought there was a record for Kane that never came out. I just took the bars out. What had happened is Eric B’s brother used to hang out with Kane and G Rap and Eric’s brother let Kane hear the song. And they called me up and Kane got on the phone and was like, “Ra, you know, it ain’t no beef. People be gassing me up and asking me if you saying this and seeing if I’m saying this to you. I ain’t got no beef with you …” I felt like he was sincere with it and I took the eight bars out.

AllHipHop.com: Right, right.

Rakim: A lot of people ask me if we had beef, but that day, when he said that – I thought no more of it. Sometimes you can feel a little tension, but I ain’t got no problem. I ain’t got no problem with Kane. Saw him the other night, gave him a hug. That’s my dude.

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Rakim came hard on that "It's Nothin'" song on that live album he released last year, if he releases an album with songs like that he'll have another classic to his collection, btw here's part 2:


Rakim Part 2: Nas, The 80’s & Private Life

In Part 2 of this “lost and found” interview with Hip-Hop legend Rakim, the Microphone Fiend delves deeper into his life and times. He courses through the 80’s and 90’s, cruising into present day. He explains his personal and public life, the streets’ relationship to rap and even offers his views on the dedication song Nas penned on his life. (For Part 1, of "Rakim: The Lost Interview," click here)

AllHipHop.com: Back in the day, we used to argue for hours who was the best: you, G Rap or Kane. In the 90’s, they’d say Jay-Z, Biggie and Nas and now…it’s a new era. Overall, what are your thoughts on the state of Hip-Hop and who are you feeling?

Rakim: The overall state, I think its aiiiiight. We get a lot of flack for the lyrical content but I think its gonna change, because its been so much talk about the difference between the rap back then and the rap now. I think hearing them say “that’s a rapper” and “that’s a lyricist,” I think the young rappers want to be known as lyricists as well. If its their vocabulary for them saying something political. Right now, a lot of people are doing the negative rap and a lot of them are living it. A lot of them are not and that’s unfortunate. The consciousness is needed.

AllHipHop.com: Right.

Rakim: As for the second part, I like Papoose, I like Juelz [santana], I like Lupe Fiasco. I’m a fan as well. That’s why I like rap so much, so I like a lot of different artists for what they do. From the G-Unit artists to the Dipset artists…a lot of rappers are beefing right now, but I like good music.

Hopefully, everybody keep doing what they doing and in the future we start taking over this rap s**t. And talking over this craft to the point where we in more control.

AllHipHop.com: What were your thoughts on Nas’ song about you, “-Unauthorized Biography of Rakim.”

Rakim: [Pauses] Uhm, I had mixed feelings about it, to be honest. But I respect Nas for being an artist of his stature and showing another artist love. I always been a private cat and for somebody to speak on my private s**t before I do...you know. That’s a small thing. There somethings said in there as well that I really did sit with, but overall, I thought it was alright.

AllHipHop.com: I’ll be honest. I thought as a song, it was a little lazy and he could have done better with it.

Rakim: Yeah, a lot of people said that as far as the track. It is what it is. Take the ice cream out the cone sometimes and just eat the ice cream.

AllHipHop.com: You didn’t know about it ahead of time, though did you?

Rakim: Not at all and right after it popped off, I didn’t hear from him either. That’s another thing that added to it that made it kind of…you know. I seen him and we kicked it, I don’t hold no grudges. I love what he does. He’s another cat that the game needs. The more the kids see a conscious [MC], the more the kids see the choices that they can make.

AllHipHop.com: Speaking of your personal life, how did you feel about when your personal life spread into the media with the baby moms stuff?

Rakim: The whole s**t is it was bogus. Don’t tell me I owe this when I owe nothing. It just goes to show – ignorance. Like my moms said, “This too shall pass.” Everything was false. There was no warrant for me. Out of all the good things that happened for me, I can’t get mad at it.

AllHipHop.com: I generally feel the next wave of great rappers will come from the previous greats. Do any of your children want to rhyme?

Rakim: Both of my sons like rhyming. I had my oldest son on stage at BB King’s [club in New York] and he spit 16. My kids want to do so much, I just let them be free. It’s a thing where you don’t want to put the same weight on them that you had on yourself. When it comes from the great ones, imagine the expectations for them when they come out.

AllHipHop.com: Do your kids understand what you meant to so many people? I don’t mean music-wise, I mean life-wise.

Rakim: I think they are starting to see it now. They were too young at the time and I think [Hip-Hop] was just maturing. Thought the years, the love still grows. I made the sacrifice to not only do what I do, but to me in their life, seeing all them through school. It wasn't me being a rapper, seeing them every now and then, hitting them with some paper or taking them to the park. I was here for them. Matter a fact, I coach my son’s football team. They know it’s a good impact that I had on the world.

AllHipHop.com: Now, there have been a couple of instances where people were scratching their heads at some of the things you have done. One was when you did the video for “Don’t Sweat The Technique” with all the scantily clad girls at the mansion. The other was the ad you did with Hennessy.

Rakim: This goes back to what we were speaking on a minute ago. See, Eric B had a different view on what we were doing. That was Eric B, you know, the mansion, the chicks, the casino table. We pushed and shoved so much it was like, “Whatever man. If that’s what you want to do…just know I ain’t wearing no suit.” That was our creative differences. I don’t want to blame it on him, because I participated in it.

The Hennessy ad, you got to be a lil realistic with it. This is Hip-Hop. This is the entertainment world that they are presenting us to and people are gonna drink man. They come to the club. It was a thing where they reaching out on a campaign that said “Never blend in” and the thought was that was making a statement. It ain’t what you do, its how you do it. I’m not gonna front, I sip Hennessy from time to time. It’s a fine line and I know that people look at me for the conscious. I did a St. Ides commercial a few years ago too and the same thing happened. But, with this, I feel its an even better situation.

AllHipHop.com: It was classic photography too.

Rakim: For those that feel I let them down, pardon me for that.

AllHipHop.com: What kind of terms are you with Eric B now?

Rakim: He’s not one of the dudes I hollar at now, because I met him on “Lets make a record.” There was no real concrete deal in the beginning. He’s a good dude and I wish him the best.

AllHipHop.com: What’s the biggest misconception or misunderstanding about you? There’s a lot of mystery around you.

Rakim: Maybe that they think that I’m some kind of hermit or something. Like I just said a minute ago. My kids realize how much I sacrifice. When I was on tour, I would fly home every week so I could be home for two days. I think people misjudged that as me not being in love with rap or just not wanting to be around people. I just try to be as normal as possible.

AllHipHop.com: And that’s hard to be in the industry.

Rakim: Wow.

AllHipHop.com: I remember seeing all the flash and the swagger you dudes had back in the day. The 80’s were poppin’ like no other era. There were dudes like Alpo that seemed to be involved on some level or another. What was it like back then?

Rakim: Well, I didn’t really know Alpo, you know. Like the thing was, you would go uptown to the rooftop and Alpo would come through and show you love [and] buy you some champagne. “Yo, Ra, you want to ride the bike?” I didn’t have his number or nothing like that. My peoples were from Brooklyn. The thing was, the players and the ballers back then, they were setting the standards. They were rockin’ the fly Gucci s**t, nahmeen? That’s what put me on – my man from Fort Green. So, on the back of the cover, my man put me on to Dapper Dan (pioneering fashion designer from the 80s). He (friend from Fort Green) used to be rocking diamonds when we were just rocking gold. He would come through with the velour and the Fila suits. That’s who put me on. You didn’t hear me talking about Dapper Dan s**t or Gucci s**t. We just did it. We wore it and it made a statement.

That’s one of the hard things now, kinda trying to do what I did – hold my guns – but its changed to the point where you can’t be flamboyant with your jewelry or with the car you drive. They’ve done did it so much to the point where its monotonous now. I sit back and try to find new angles or new ways to touch on situations where it don’t sound like its been done for 20 years straight. But I’m gonna do what I do though.

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