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Common Interested In Potraying Marvin Gaye in biopic


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Actor/Rapper Common has revealed interest in portraying the late music pioneer Marvin Gaye in a biopic.

With rumors of a film being in the works for years, Common said he would be willing to take on the lead role.

"I've been sniffing around, trying to figure out who might be interested, who might be already planning one," Common says. "Marvin was a monumental figure in music, important in our lives in so many ways. And troubled. He's a character with so much depth. I'd be all-in on that project." (Orlando Sentinel)
Blockbuster movie star Will Smith recently passed on an opportunity to portray Gaye.

Smith has turned down the lead role in moviemaker Cameron Crowe's new Marvin Gaye biopic. The actor spent months in negotiations to portray the legendary soul man, and now Crowe, who has been trying to get the project off the ground for four years, is without a leading man again. But the Almost Famous director isn't rushing to find his Gaye - he's determined to hire the right man for the role. (Star Pulse)
Past plans were put out that a Gaye feature would be done by director Lauren Goodman.

The final three years of Motown legend Marvin Gaye's life will be revisited in director Lauren Goodman's forthcoming biopic, "Sexual Healing." Production on the film, which will be shot in Hungary and Germany, is set to begin in three months, according to The Hollywood Reporter. (MTV)
Outside of Hollywood, Common is currently putting together his new album, The Believer.

"It's 'good' music," he said. "The themes are street music and elevation, things that I feel like I always embody when I rap. But here there's new situations, new solutions." As far as production goes, Common says he's working with No I.D. and Kanye West, both of which have produced a couple of his previous albums -- "Be" and "Finding Forever," "Resurrection" and "One Day It'll All Make Sense" respectively. "I'm striving to get it out in the fall," he said, adding that fans can expect a single by late summer or early fall. (Billboard)

Edited by bigted
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I'm neither against it or for it. I just want the movie to be good. Marvin Gaye is legendary. It's one of those situations where u almost need a no-name actor to embody that real-life person. Watching ALI, I was constantly thinking "that's Fresh Prince." I still liked the movie but when a no-name actor is playing the role, u are get more tied up in the movie. If a big name actor was in Superman Returns I wouldn't have liked it as much. The only thing I hate about music bio-pics is that it's awkward seeing a film with an actor lipsyncing to classic songs u've heard 100 times. That's just always been weird to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Common's been taking his career to new heights, I'm gonna see that "Just Wright" movie and I'm looking forward to getting that next album

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I found this on Yahoo.com:
Q&A: Common on new film, Serena Williams and Kanye
AP, May 12, 2010 1:44 pm PDT

Common is always in a competitive mindset.In his latest flick, "Just Wright," he plays a top-notch basketball player who deals with a serious injury. In real life, he's a skillful, Grammy-winning rapper aiming to be at the top of his game.
He's even driven in his down time — and that includes when he's playing a round of tennis with his high profile athlete-girlfriend, Serena Williams.
"I hit with her a couple of times but it's kind of tough ... me, having an athletic mind-state and not being able to defeat your companion," he said. "If I'm playing Uno, I want to win."
Common, 38, says he learned a few tricks from Williams and gets a chance to show that in the new romantic comedy, which also stars Queen Latifah. The movie debuts Friday.
In an interview with the Associated Press, Common talked about his relationship with Williams, his friendship with Kanye West and finally getting the lead role in a movie.
AP: Get any tips from Serena Williams about playing an athlete?
Common: One thing I gotta say is that athletes, they play through the pain. I've seen the pain that not only Serena or Venus would go through, but other the athletes that I know. ... I gained a lot of respect for athletes doing this role because it's a superhuman ability to go out there and be in that pain and because of the level of skill that they possess.
AP: It seems celebrities always hook up with celebrities. Can't a common girl have a shot at Common?
Common: I think a lot has to do with being in the same circles. To a certain extent we cross paths in different places and you meet the person then you see them again — you never know what comes about from there. But I think it all depends on the people, because I've dated a woman who had nothing to do with the industry, but she understood my career and was very supportive and I was supportive of her.
AP: You aren't just in "Just Wright," you're the male lead. Is this something you've wanted for a while?
Common: I have actually been studying acting for some years, even (before) getting the chance to be in films. I hit a ceiling with music for a second. I felt like I really want to grow as an artist and this (movies) is another creative outlet out there. I feel like I'm an actor too, along with being a hip-hop artist. To get the opportunity to be a romantic lead is a great step for me.
AP: How did you pull off the basketball scenes?
Common: I grew up playing basketball from grammar school, like when I was about 7 years old until high school. Pretty much once I got into the industry I would play pickup games sometimes. Once I got this I started focusing on my game again and it was, like, rekindling the fire. By the time I finished, the trainer for the Nets said: "You're a player, you're a player, now!" I felt great about that!
AP: What about Queen Latifah's character — she's someone both guys and gals can relate to?
Common: Latifah's character ... actually knew the beauty in herself and that's something I really dug about the way Latifah played the character. This woman said "I'm curvy, I'm this size, but I'm beautiful." It was a good point that I like to push, especially to the kids.
AP: So, what is it about Kanye West that you get but others don't?
Common: He is one of the best people I've met in life. He is a goodhearted guy who tries to help out a lot of people — that's one thing I have watched. ... He wants to do well by people, but he still has his own confidence and his own flaws like we all do. Kanye's definitely a good guy, that's why I can say that he's my friend.
AP: You ever pull him aside and say it's rude to snatch the mic out of the hands of a young country star on live TV?
Common: Whenever I have something like advice, I just tell him — whether he accepts it, it's up to him. I'll talk to him about the way I think things should go. It's just my opinion and I definitely feel responsible as someone who cares for another human being. If I see them do something that I think is inappropriate or not right I'm going to catch him, but that's our relationship — he would do the same thing for me.
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