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T.I. and wife Arrested on Drug Charges


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T.I. and Tiny Arrested on Drug Charges

Newlyweds T.I. and Tiny were busted for possession of a controlled substance Wednesday night. According to the NY Post, the couple was arrested on the suspicion of methamphetamine and marijuana. T.I. is on probation, so this is not a good look for him.

The couple was released after posting a $10,000 bail.

Update: TMZ is reporting that the probation office is in the process of determining what happened and will make a recommendation regarding T.I. when they have all the facts. If officials determine that T.I. violated his probation, he could be back behind bars to serve some serious prison time. Meanwhile, T.I.'s probation officer has asked him to return to Atlanta.


Thats what i call a honeymoon gone bad.. If he goes to jail for this his new album will change names to "King Re-Caged"

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This is a complete lack of common sense. U think he would have learned something after being in jail. He's got lots of money, a wife, a career. What makes someone in his shoes do stupid and common things. I can't say I'm a fan of him or his music but it just frustrates me when people do things like this and to themselves.

And what's up with Tiny? She was a cute and classy member of Xscape. Over the last few years as she's turned her career into being "T.I. girlfriend/wife" she's becoming this unattractive, class-lacking dirty south chick. Disappointing.

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