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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

DJ Jazzy Jeff - The Block Party Vol 1

Da Brakes

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I don't know if I'd consider it interesting. It sounds it'll just be loaded down with classic. I'm sure that'll make it better than his last. I liked the last one but found it hard to swallow when it came to the newer songs on it that sucked. I'm STILL not happy that he never did that Heavy D mixtape.

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I'm really excited to check this out. Let's face the facts - music today really sucks. I log onto hotnewhiphop.com and its nothing but garbage. Once in a blue moon, I'll come across a hot new song but it's by a credible artist. I don't bother with unknown rappers who go by "Lil", "Yung" ...etc. The cool thing about Jeff and his mixtapes are that 1) There's no annoying DJ ad-lib every 30 seconds like what you'll see on datpiff.com "mixtapes" and 2) I discover "new" music by jumping in a time machine and listening to music 20-30-40 years ago. Whether its pop, disco, rap, new wave...etc its good music!

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