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Will Smith: A to Z - VH1


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For those who missed it last night at 8:30pm and 11pm EST on VH1...here it is again...

Thursday Sep. 30
2:30/1:30c AM


Basically A to Z is like a short bio of Will Smith for each letter stands for a fact about Will. The facts are odd and funny and throughout the show they show lil clips of FP. Tons of clips from the JJFP videos up to this day. Like a clip of them on the beach in 93 or 94 and on the set of Ring My Bell...when i mean clips, its just FP sayin somethin that goes along with what the people on A to Z are talking about.

What You Don't Know About Will Smith

A is for Aliens
Will believes in extra-terrestrial life.

B is for Bananas Flambe
Will & Jada use "bananas flambe," as their code word for when they want to have sex.

C is for Captain Correction
Will's family & friends call him "Captain Correction" because he is always correcting people's grammar.

D is for Dance
Will's grandmother used to make him dance for fruit.

E is for Ears
Will has huge ears and had to have them pinned back when filming Ali.

F is for Fish
In the movie Shark Tale, Will does the voice of the character Oscar the fish.

G is for Girlfriends
Jada allows Will to go on fantasy dates and have fantasy girlfriends.

H is for Heimlich
A fan of Will's reportedly started to choke as Will was singing her Happy Birthday.

H is for Han Solo
Will modeled his character of Captain Hiller in Independence Day on Han Solo.

I is for Identity Theft
Will's identity was stolen and the culprit racked up $33,000 on Will's credit cards.

J is for Jiggy
Will coined the term "Jiggy" - there's hot, there's cool, and then there's Jiggy.

K is for Keanu
Will was originally offered Keanu's role in The Matrix.

L is for Lincoln
Will and Jada spent a night in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House, but they did not have sexual relations in the Lincoln Bedroom.

M is for Medicated Cleansing Pads
Will likes to wipe himself with medicated cleansing pads after he goes to the bathroom, instead of toilet paper.

N is for Name
Will's full name is Willard Christopher Smith Jr.

O is for One Year
Will passed up a scholarship to MIT and was given one year by his parents to pursue being a rapper.

P is for Prince
Will was given the nickname Prince by his teachers for the way he would charm his way out of trouble and into ladies' hearts.

R is for RV
Will custom built the priciest RV ever made: $2 million, 2 floors and 1100 square ft.

S is for Star Trek
Will is a huge Star Trek fan, big fan of sci-fi, he even calls himself a Trekkie.

T is for TreyTrix
Will & Jada make a movie for their son Trey every year for his birthday. In 2002 it was called "The TreyTrix."

V is for Vengeance
As a little boy, Will had his money stolen by some bullies, so his sister chased after them with a baseball bat to get vengeance.

W is for Willagra
Will was in such good shape after training for "Ali," that he called himself the human Viagra.

W is for Workplace Romance
Will met both of his wives on television sets.

X is for X-Pletives
Will's grandmother asked him not to use any expletives or curse words in his rapping.

Y is for Young Love
Will's first relationship lasted six years and he started dating the girl when he was only 15.

Z is for Zugsvong
Zugsvong is the German word for a bad move in chess...Will is an avid chess player.
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[quote=DevilsJim89,Sep 29 2004, 01:48 PM]Z is for Zugsvong
Zugsvong is the German word for a bad move in chess...Will is an avid chess player.[/quote]
:roll: wtf .. this word does not even exist :nhawong: .. maybe they mean "Zugzwang" ... but i dont know .. im not a big fan of dis hard "sport" :kekeke:
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