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Check the Technique Vol. 2

Big Ben

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I pre-ordered Brian Coleman's Check the Technique Vol 2 and it was on my doorstep Monday when I got back from visiting my parents. I have the first volume and I ordered this one for two reasons. The first being the sample chapter they posted with 3rd Bass and their Cactus Album. The second because I looked at the chapter listing and I saw He's the DJ, I'm the Rappper--Clearly that's an automatic credit card choice right there.

It was worth it for sure. Unfortunately there was no sign of Will (but as fan's I think we're accustomed to his minute involvement in all things hip-hop) but all the information is great. It's filled with a lot of little information on the creation of the album and little details on a lot of tracks. Jeff was one of those involved (had he not, I don't know if I would have picked up the book) but the information from the others involved was spot on too. Besides Jeff there was Ann Carli, Pete Q. Harris, Joe Nicolo, and Ready Rock. There's just a lot of fun information about the process behind the scenes and some fun trivia that I think a lot of fan's would appreciate.

  • Like on Brand New Funk Ready Rock imitated the James Brown "Get Down!" because Jeff had, accidentally, erased the sample.
  • There were four copies of the Nightmare video, one of which Jeff's girlfriend recorded over. (There's till hope though, it appears that Ann Carli may have a copy somewhere!) There's also some detail's about what it looked like.
  • Jeff had originally recorded the DJ cuts for an entirely DJ album but they decided to do a double album instead. Apparently there are some cuts we've never heard out there.
  • The Live At Union Square cut was trimmed down from a half hour, Jeff apparently has a copy.
  • One of the comments I found interesting was Jeff saying that Time to Chill "...had less substance... that one was filler..." I thought that was interesting because it's actually one of my favorite tracks on there.

It was a fun read, there section is 30 pages, and I'd recommend it. The only other one I've read was the sample 3rd Bass album but it's got a lot of other classics that I'm looking forward to like:

  • Black Sheep- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
  • Jeru the Damaja - The Sun Rises in the East
  • Mos Def & Talib - Are Black Star
  • Naughty by Nature - Naughty by Nature

There's a bunch more but I'm lazy.

Here's the link to the book:


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wow that book sounds made for true heads like us!!! nice to see he's the dj, i'm the rapper mentioned with other classic albums as it deservingly should, after all these years it's still my favorite JJFP album ever!

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It's filled with a lot of stuff for hip-hop fans for sure. I love when talking about filming Parents just Don't understand, Carli called Russell Simmons and told him that Will was going to be bigger then Eddie Murphy and then Russell Simmons replied with "Well, he may be Malcolm Jamal-Warner but he ain't no Eddie Murphy."

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  • 2 weeks later...

awesome read!

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