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So Will has basically abandoned music the last 10 years to make horrible movies...


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After Earth & Suicide Squad look to be 2 of the worst movies he has been in, meanwhile he hasn't recorded an album in 10 years... even his best movies, enemy of the state, men in black & bad boys 2 were made when he still did music.. So disappointed & what a waste... I think his movie career is effectively dead in the water at this point.. he forgot what people loved about him.. and now he just goes on about his kids.. I just don't see the love for Will from the public anymore that was definitely there in the late 90s...

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wow what a bold statement coming from the creater of the JJFP.com board but it is true though, his movie career is washed up at this point and i think he has a more realistic shot at another grammy than he does an oscar, i can't really defend him like i used to anymore, it's sad how he's abandoned his true fans...

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The movie people 'fake loved' him while he was making them a lot of money. I think he is in for a rude awakening now he can no longer command top dollar for movies or even open a movie & get it past $100 million.

meanwhile he abandoned the true old school music fans who waited 10 years and were given nothing.. Then he says he's going to do a summer tour and instead makes another movie... It's really been a sad waste this last 10 years... I can no longer hide my disappointment

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Will only savour movie ise now is sequels, and let's be honest. Bad Boys 3 will be big, but won't top the numbers that 2 made. Not a chance.

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I think right NOW, his movie career is on the decline, and instead of still trying to cling to some movies that aren't what he used to do, he should go back to what he loves more (well, from what he says).

I think the big time when Will Smith was THE actor is over, and things he does now aren't that great career-wise. It tarnishes it. And I don't think he absolutely needs the money either.

But in the mean time, the album expected summer 2016 as no new informations since march and we're deep into summer now

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Guys sucide squad isn't even out yet. It's probably going to be the biggest movie of the year. It will certainly sell tickets, I'm just hoping people like it. If they do, eff the critics, who watches Oscar type films anyway. 

I've heard Will and Margot are the best part of this film, as long as Will brought his A game to it, he's fine. 

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Julie, go see it. I hear that Will killed it as Deadpool and quite a number of people liked the movie and are very impressed by his performance. As for the reviews, something is off... Take this one for instance... http://www.sfgate.com/movies/article/Suicide-Squad-is-two-hours-of-9067798.php

The reviewer absolutely hated the movie and practically everything about it, but this paragraph stands out...


To even talk about “Suicide Squad” is misleading, because it requires imposing a coherence on the material that isn’t really there. It takes place in Gotham City, at a time when Superman and Batman are already dead, and the authorities — embodied by an intelligence officer played by Viola Davis — are concerned about two things: that a being as powerful as Superman, but evil, might come and destroy the Earth. And about an alien who has already arrived and is growing in power.

Not sure how anyone can review a movie when they haven't grasped some of the more basic, foundational storylines of the movie and the movie's universe... all of which were made painfully clear. Batman's dead? Really? Who's the guy in the Justice League movie coming out next year? There's a spoiler regarding Suicide Squad that makes that statement even more absurd.

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I've never really liked Will's movies: not only does he pick bad projects, but he is also below average as an actor. A few of his movies and performances are okay but in general really "meh". Just like with his rapping, his greatness is not in the technique, content or talent, it is more about pure, raw charisma. This charisma dies when it becomes obvious that you are very interested in money, exploiting your children and doing pretentious movies that he cant pull of because he is not the Morgan Freeman he believes he is every second movie, neither is he the superhero from the others. Until he realize who he is - a man with unheard of capacities to bring joy, laugther and creativeness, he will fail. He needs to sell those big ugly Hollywood house-ranches, move home to Philly and show his kids what a playground looks like; then we can relate to him and he can relate to us.

Edited by Lerkot
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will should at least did a song for the soundtrack, even wild wild west had a song which set up the release of willennium, i was hoping something like this for suicide squad but i guess that's too much to ask for right?

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i'm DYING to hear this song y'all, i've been waiting over 10 years, hook a brother up with an mp3! btw with the success of suicide squad and the release of a song i guess we're eating our words, apparanatly will still has a career after all...

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Lol at this hate and then bam he releases a new single to go with the movie.... Both of which were awesome imo!! The tour was never going to happen overnight like he said. More to come, get ready guys the Will of old is coming back, Bad Boys a new album, and a tour. Its an amaZing time to be a fan, the long wait is over! Get excited!

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