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New music - caution in the wild

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damn i'm one of the rare people in the world without a smartphone so i can't hear it yet, but the fact that will is releasing new music after saying how dissapointed we were in him last week is a miracle!

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The best thing to come out of today is not the track itself. it's Will coming to terms with the fact that just putting out music in any form is the most important thing and not to worry about labels, hits and popularity.

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I thought this post was a joke because I didn't see his post on Facebook. This is amazing, it's what you guys have been saying all along, just put something out for the fans on YouTube or an app. I think he needs to give this forum credit for the idea lol.

That song had to be for suicide squad, he says suicide a lot! I wonder if it just didn't make the cut, which sucks because from what I've heard the actual soundtrack is garbage.

I've only heard the track once but I like it, has Will's vibe but sounds modern. I wish he was on it more too, bit like fiesta, but hey more to come. He hasnt made is app just for photos and videos. 

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5 minutes ago, Jazzy Julie said:

That song had to be for suicide squad, he says suicide a lot! I wonder if it just didn't make the cut

According to Will in this video, he didn't love it to put it in the movie. I'm glad he has finally put it out even though it's not in the soundtrack. It's a step in the right direction :clap:



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BTW, and of course without wishing to take away any merit from this forum, in this Dubai interview [jump to the 6:13 mark], Will talks music and how Jaden is always trying to convince him to put songs out (which is ironic because some years ago he told him to stop rapping :lol:). Well done, Jaden! :smiley-cool15:


Edited by Ale
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Don't want to put negativity in here but a bunch of Trump supporters are writing horrible comments all over this app. Can you guys go and write nice comments to try and drown them out a bit. I'm sure they will give up soon and go back to dragging their knuckles along the floor. 

At at least they gave Will more downloads tho hey lol.

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2 hours ago, Ale said:

According to Will in this video, he didn't love it to put it in the movie. I'm glad he has finally put it out even though it's not in the soundtrack. It's a step in the right direction :clap:



Sounds more like he decided he didn't want it on the soundtrack other than it didn't make the cut. Fair enough.

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Yeah I noticed the Trump supporters on there.. What is wrong with people.  They have obviously gone out their way to download the app to post that BS... If they truly hate Will don't download the app

Hopefully this doesn't deter Will from continuing to use it and putting out more music

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After listening to this on my ride to and from work, it's just alright. I can't even really enjoy it because it's not a full song. I guess I'm kinda confused as to maybe it was just an experiment creatively or a demo? Will doesn't spit one full verse. Repeating the same last 4 lines doesn't count. There's just way more to be desired here. Spit some bars Will! 

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6 hours ago, Da Brakes said:

Yeah I noticed the Trump supporters on there.. What is wrong with people.  They have obviously gone out their way to download the app to post that BS... If they truly hate Will don't download the app

I don't think you have to download the app to post those comments, they are just comments made in Will's Facebook post, which is shown in the app. 

But yeah, it's very sad.

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