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Bad Boys 4 Is Already in the Works at Sony

fan 4ever

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Just come out of the film. Loved it. Better than the last film for sure and for the most part I enjoyed that. Martin and Will with the great chemistry as always.

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Yeah, I'm happy with it. It's hard to beat the first two, but this took the style of the last one and had a better story that better fit the franchise. Some of the camera work is pretty crazy.  It's nice seeing recreations of some of the classic shots and a Michael Bay cameo. I'll likely be seeing this in theaters again. 

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Saw the film last night, I loved it. Funniest film I’ve seen in a while. Normally by the time a movie gets to number 4 they get pretty bad but they’ve still got it. 

Enjoyed all the cameos too. My friend who likes Will but isn’t as hardcore as us liked it too. The cinema was laughing the whole time. 

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