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alguien sabe porque eminem critica a will smith?

Guest uncle phill

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Guest Guest_guest
i think Em is cool with Will now. I heard recently that Eminem was in Aspen where Will and Jada were having their HUGE party and Eminem was in town cuz he was one of the guests there. Eminem was sighted around that area
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hey bievenido uncle phil!!!me alegro d ver a otro fan español de big will!!!espero verte mas por aqui :peace:

I think eminem has talent, i don't like him a lot but he has some good songs-
I don't know exactly why he doesn't like Will but it seems he doesn't like nobody, he disses everybody, the more he disses the more atention he gets on tv, magazines......i don't know but somehow right now Eminem is the rapper who sells more in Spain...actually WIll and Eminem are some of the rappers who sells more here....

have u realize that i'm always the only one to post???? haha :dancingcool:

***bienvenido otra vez javier***
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Guest uncle phill
Hey gracias sandy,yo pensaba q era el unico español aqui!!!!
bueno asi me podras traducir algo q no entienda,jajajaja
Ale desde Madrid un saludo a todos!!!!!to everybody!!!!!!
somebody can tell me how to put the icons??????????????????????
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Hola soy de méxico y yo tambien hablo español, no tan puro como el de ustedes pero hago el intento... creo que la principal razón de que Eminem [u]criticABA[/u] a Will es por que en su momento lo admiró y como le daba pena que se supiera pues a lo mejor lo tapaba maldiciendolo... espero que eso de Aspen sea cierto por que si lo es a lo mejor mas adelante podrémos ver un dueto de ellos, personalmente es una de las cosas que mas espero en esta vida!!!! :rofl: (sin sonar superficial).
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