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Yet Another Completely Random Question


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Let us assume you meet a rudimentary magician. Let us assume he can do five simple tricks: he can pull a rabbit out of his hat, he can make a coin disappear, he can turn the ace of spades into the joker card, and two others in a similar vein. These are his only tricks and he can't learn anymore; he can only do these five. HOWEVER it turns out he's doing these five tricks with real magic. It's not an illusion; he can actually conjure a bunny out of the ether and he can move the coin through space. He's legitimately magical, but extremely limited in scope and influence. Would this person be more impressive than Albert Einstein?

Edited by scyhigh99
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  Hero1 said:
why does scy always post straight after a few hits from the bong  :kekeke:

Knowing that this was just a joke, but also knowing it was probably at least in part spurred by the suggestive nature of my username (and not just my entirely strange questions), I feel the need to defend the moniker "scyhigh99."

The Un-Abridged History of Scyhigh99

I created this online identity in 1999 when I first got AOL Instant Messenger. I was 12 years old, and I somehow identified "sky high" with jumping high, reaching for the stars, basketball... something to that effect. Anyhoo, since "skyhigh99" was already in use, I chose "scyhigh99" as my screenname (clever, no?). Ever since that fateful day, "scyhigh" has caused innumerable stoner jokes to be told at my expense, not only because it seems apparent that, like AfroMan, I am telling the whole world how high I am, but because I spell sky with a "c." Rest assured, I am a proud graduate of D.A.R.E., as squeaky clean as Big Will.

I'm glad we cleared that up.

Edited by scyhigh99
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