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Hey I think it still needs a little work but heres my bnew song just wrote it today


Verse One

I’m here to tell a story

About this girl who just ignores me

She’s a real fly honey

Not just in it for the money

To a relationship she brings passion

Always up to date in fashion

To get her number dudes be dashin

She’s got these two nice Ol’…..

And this real tight Ol’….

But there’ just one problem

She’s so stuck up only goes out with the flyest of men

It’s just one relationship after another again and again

So I’m pickin up my paper and pen

To tell you bout’ this girl dat thinks she’s an angel……


She thinks she’s an angel

She thinks she’s an angel

Isn’t she just so perfect?

She thinks she’s an angel

Cuz they way she talks, laughs, and sings

Hey girl if you’re such an angel



Hey! What’s wrong with you?

Why do you ignore me every time I try to talk to you?

You be like “Boy Talk to the Hand”

Ok listen you just don’t understand

So let me explain it to ya

It don’t matter how fly you be

You should still talk to guys like me

Well now guess what you lost the chance

Now you’ll never get me forget the romance

I no when I get big

You’ll come crawlin on your knees

Beggin like “PLEASE go out with me”

“Take me to those Celeb parties!”

“Can you get me on OPRAH?”

Let me think “Uhhhhhh nope a”

So listen to this beat

I ain’t kissing your feet

I don’t care if you the hottest girl out there

Your time to get me ran out there

Every time we talked online you’d act all nice

And I’d try to get romantic with you

Then the next day you’d have copies of the conversation


People pointing and laughin at me IT MADE ME WANNA SHOUT

I wanted to go over there and smack you in head

But I’m too nice for that so I just crumpled my anger up tossed it under the bed



Ok you got the picture yet?

Don’t ask the girl out unless you're a star or I’ll bet

She’ll laugh right in your face

Make you feel down and disgraced

Doesn’t matter time nor place

She don’t got feeling for others

Basically she’ll make you feel like ****

But she doesn’t tell any of this to her father and mother

Around them she’s ‘Daddy’s little girl’

The perfect child it makes me wanna hurl

Why do you put up this act for mom and dad?

Then come to school and be actin all slutty and bad

Makin guys feel like dirt

Wearin these tight shirts and skirts

Does mommy know your school’s biggest flirt?

What would daddy say?

If he knew how you actin all day

Well that’s it this rhyme is threw

I bet now I’m the guy you wish you woulda gotten to knew

You always gotta eat your food off a golden plate

Well’s heres my word girl “YOU AIN’T THAT GREAT!”


Edited by bagotrasho
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If people were kinda dazed to ya song, these lines would catch em...

-"She’s so stuck up only goes out with the flyest of men

It’s just one relationship after another again and again"

And I'd change the chorus to wings instead of wing. I could've swore Angels had a pair. Just a small note concerning that.

I really liked the rest of it. It would be a nice listen. :thumb:

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And I'd change the chorus to wings instead of wing. I could've swore Angels had a pair. Just a small note concerning that.

LOL thanks for pointin out my mistakes guess i forgot to put an S i'll add that in

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It's a nice lil' storytelling song, I could get a visual from reading that, nuff props! :thumb:

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