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oh we're battlin agin I see

verse dont rhyme wit verse you need hooked on phonics i see

yeah i demanded tips but i was talkin about money

give a shout out to J-O-E cuz his rhymes are pretty funny

i dont have a beat so i freestyle acapella

so forgive me if my rhymes are a little rocked up fella

yeah Will is ill in a good way, but you ill in the worst way

so eat an apple a day it'll keep tha doctor away

this aint 8mile them people had a script so it was easy

Eminem didnt, thats why in the movie his stomach was always quezzy

I was thru but you brought this page back into action

you're yesterdays news i dont even remember how we started clashin

so feel me like you felt "uuhhh" on Willenium

now look at willisill you see what i done did to him

he's turnin red he might spontaneously combust

he's sufferin from frustration he might even cuss

you're one of them rappers i aint gon say need to quit

but its like you hit rock bottom and you need to have a sit

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oh we're battlin agin I see

verse dont rhyme wit verse you need hooked on phonics i see

yeah i demanded tips but i was talkin about money

give a shout out to J-O-E cuz his rhymes are pretty funny

i dont have a beat so i freestyle acapella

so forgive me if my rhymes are a little rocked up fella

yeah Will is ill in a good way, but you ill in the worst way

so eat an apple a day it'll keep tha doctor away

this aint 8mile them people had a script so it was easy

Eminem didnt, thats why in the movie his stomach was always quezzy

I was thru but you brought this page back into action

you're yesterdays news i dont even remember how we started clashin

so feel me like you felt "uuhhh" on Willenium

now look at willisill you see what i done did to him

he's turnin red he might spontaneously combust

he's sufferin from frustration he might even cuss

you're one of them rappers i aint gon say need to quit

but its like you hit rock bottom and you need to have a sit

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oh we're battlin agin I see

verse dont rhyme wit verse you need hooked on phonics i see

yeah i demanded tips but i was talkin about money

give a shout out to J-O-E cuz his rhymes are pretty funny

i dont have a beat so i freestyle acapella

so forgive me if my rhymes are a little rocked up fella

yeah Will is ill in a good way, but you ill in the worst way

so eat an apple a day it'll keep tha doctor away

this aint 8mile them people had a script so it was easy

Eminem didnt, thats why in the movie his stomach was always quezzy

I was thru but you brought this page back into action

you're yesterdays news i dont even remember how we started clashin

so feel me like you felt "uuhhh" on Willenium

now look at willisill you see what i done did to him

he's turnin red he might spontaneously combust

he's sufferin from frustration he might even cuss

you're one of them rappers i aint gon say need to quit

but its like you hit rock bottom and you need to have a sit

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Just what i wanted, two on one

Now you guys can see how a real battle is done

Jiggy, you said i need hooked on phonics

When in that line i was insulting you, man get off the chronic

A battle a day,keeps jiggy away

Us rappers in the thread really like it that way

He likes how i rhyme, he has to admit

This is directed to you, i thought i told you quit

I guess he likes when i destroy him, he thinks its cool

Dont realize that his rhymes make 'em looks like a damn fool

He wants the spotlight, he craves to fight

But i beat him in freestyle every day, every night

He decided to team up cause he realized hes got no skill

But ted and him together cant beat WILL IS ILL

All you guys admit your lines are bad and dead

But the worst lines of all come straight from big ted

Use your own lines, dont use ones from big willy

My insults are cold its about to get chilly

Don jiggy raps acapella, he thinks its so neat

Its cause nothing sounds good with his ryhmes, he cant find a beat

When beats will help him and he really does need it

Don jiggy's down, half of the duo defeated

Back to big ted who thinks he's a lyrical genius

He thinks his rhymes are hits when they really all miss

I wouldnt pay you to do my rhymes, i know you need money to eat

But frankly I'd rather throw my money out into the street

I should help you with rhmyes cause you really do need it

You cant rhyme for your life, do i need to repeat it?

You and Don dont hear what i say, you dont take the time

Cuz in my last post i said you girlfriend was mine

So what you say about a girlfriend i have, your sayin bout yours

Now he understands when his rhyme sinks, my rhyme soars

"WILL IS ILL did it again, i do not believe it"

You lost again chumps, drop it, just leave it

I'm the rap battle champ, where have ya'll been?

You guys team up against me and you still cant win

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now will is ill ive seen u post

battlin around like u wana get a toast

ur not funny and u got no money?

u think u was will smith when he met sonny?

well homie u got the story twisted

ill make ur ass sadly missed?

it takes the piss, coz that i can beat u easily

without jottin stuff down, it may seem sleazy

but ur girl shud please me, im pure pleasurable

when i say ur whack, i mean is measureable

homie ive ripped u, flipped the script

reverse it backed it down the drive i crash the ****

if i was rich i would just get another car

realisticly speakin i notice when i heard pacs "Ghetto Star"

some people be workin straight jerkin no pay

now how would u feel if it was that way?

go on your knees and talk to the lord

when u say ur the best rapper, maybe the best fraud

a plain fake, ill make your spine shake

tryin walk all over me homie ur lges will ache

feel me

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hey guys mind if i step in?

now that I'm here the real battles gonna begin

to my record I think I'll add a quick win

well all you newbees might as well hit the road jack

cuz now the bago is back

i ran by yall in a flash

the tables have turned

your getting took out by the trash

Because i have fans from the Atlantic to the Pacific

Ok now to get a little more specific

well J-O-E

you know me

what else can i say

but... i match you in every way

you rhyme

I rhyme

You write

I write

Your namesJoe

My names Joe

You can rock a show

I can rock a show

well whats the point you might ask

its juat that i can accomplish your every task

what you can do

I can do

But dont take my serious

Dont be delirious

This is a battle

It ain't like its a track

Well whats been said beens said

Now fire back

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u gon go attack me first?

homie i beat u once already without a curse

ill just kick up a fust, u will cuss

coz u gettin to stressed, its just lust

the way i respond to my music

bagotraso i think music makes u lose it

but that happens coz i started rappin

im real homie im good as writin as scrappin

can do it however u want boy

who else can use this mic as a toy

i dont even pick up a pen i write on the spot

and if the tracks hot, i had a shot

so im not gonna fire back imma hurt u all

try and hurt me when all i do is stand tall

im a destruction to MC's, but they whack

now trash u gon fire back?

these are all gonna be classic tapes in the rack

witnessed a terrible life

married some crazy women as a wife

but now ur the one wantin to go for the knife

tell me homie why u changed so much

u gon be a bit confused when its jus a touch

all these words are comin from my brain

never hatin on anyone who called me insane

kept sane and kept movin ahead of the game

always had stacks of money, dont care bout the fame

i jus want enough money too feed my family

food on the table is that so much ask? but serouisly

trash try one more time then im sure thats 3 strikes

one more faulse move and i might take away ya life, word.

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yea ima fire back

and i'll pick up your slack

I'll sit here and battle wit u all day

But i must warn you ill send you home

with your tail between your legs

the only thing you can cook up is bacon and eggs

your rhymes just dont fit together

your rhymes sink to bottom while

mine are light as a feather

they just pretty much glide

outta my mouth they slide

and no one is gonna say otherwise

because my rhymes

they just plain amaze you

theyll put you in a daze

then well ill slay you

just like that

one swing of my bat

and your head just kinda falls to the ground

i'll take down you and your click the wanna be doggpound

when people read this theyll be like "how...."

hey there it is what you gotta say now

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J. O. E. wants a piece of me

But i beat him before, that what he cannot see

You say you make me toast well

I said don was toast and.. he thought he made bago toast

Now you sayin im toast

Cant you think of something better? make 'em the most

Your attack was bad and didnt make sense

Im just tellin it like it is, its not really defense

You say if I left, my ass will hardly be missed?

But if i did everyone else would sure be real pissed

This topic would have ended on page two, and this your knowin

I'm the reason that this thread kept on goin

Cause im the main attraction, spittin in rain or snow

Your the small little tent, its called the freak show

You want to think you that you beat me easy

My rhymes are sick, i can tell your gettin queasy

You think im not funny, when i told no joke

Will you think its funny when your up in smoke?

My rap's so hot man, lyrics start a damn fire

Its makin you worry, its my skill you desire

I took two men and you cant even take one

You think im soft when your lyrics are outdone

In reality it you with the rhymes so soft

I'm done with you now i'll let Bago finish you off

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im gonna take a break, i just have a lot of work schol work lately

and i havent been paying attention to it

ill continue in like a week or something, its been real fun. dont use my break against me hahah

Edited by WILL IS ILL
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Aight Will Is Ill I'm about to set things clear

How could say that my rhymes are the worst?

Son you should take some time to look in the mirror

And you'll find that you're wearing a skirt

If you don't then you must be blind as Stevie Wonder

It's hard to deny the heat of this verse

I've been on fire it seems since my birth

I'm gonna get the money from the merit of my work

And if you tryin' bustin' me you'll soon be lying in a Hearse

In a minute you'll come cryin' and apologizing trying to put this beef in reverse

When at the end of the day you'll realise that anyone not on my side'll soon be hurt

While you're in need of a charity

You're frontin' with no clarity

What you're discussing only works in a nursery

You sound no different than that crap we heard from 50 and Nelly

When you listen to me it'll sound like the return of Makaveli

It's my mission to excell in poetry

I could bust a flow accapella or with a beat

I was raised to tell the truth when I speak

I don't bring no gimmicks, so I suggest that you come to respect me

Or you'll be finished off, the result of bustin' soft on the mic'll only make you feel

Like you was in a train wreck the next time you try to compete

Let's face it you lost, you're now past tense like my last meal

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Big ted did it, he killed me, im done

but i can kill myself better and i dont need a gun

i know you'll use this against me in a rap rhyme later

im just goofin around with this one dont be a hater

thats not aimed at anyone, not bigted nor jiggy

not lerkot , kbfprince or j-o-e.

that didnt even rhyme which is pretty funny

cuz im always tellin you guys that, like you owe me money

did that make sense?most likely not

its like im getting hung and im tyin the knot

all you guys are great rappers, most better than me

i was bein ignorant so i couldnt really see

im crackin up writin this just havin fun

:kool: look at this guy, hes soakin up sun

so this rhmye was directed at nobody excpet for myself

i know your gonna use it against me and feel good bout yourself

i dont doubt it'll be good, probay great

just dont fill it up with so much hate

well im done with this, it wasnt a battle at all

Im six foot 2, the bigger you are the harder you fall


guys that was stricly for fun, i have to work on my school work, i was absent and i have lots of work to make up. im have to take a break. so if any rhmyes are gonna be directed at me i wont respond. I know you guys are nice guys and will repesct this post. EDIT (P.S.)-->its pretty funny that one of my better rhymes was toward myself

Edited by WILL IS ILL
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Ok ted here we go

pitted against each other to put on a show

of course all of its just for fun

it aint like the loser'll die by the gun

its just a harmless lil rap one on one

now your rhymes was weak

you gotta improve um if its victory you seek

rap like me im on a winning streak

your rhymes are so old theyre like antiques

think a lil smarter

try a lil harder

just don't copy my technique

just be unique

because my rhymes slam dunk like dominique

wilkens yea thats right

my rhymes are out of site

my rhymes so scary its like the work of satan

my rhymes glide through the sky like walter payton

so there you go my good friend ted

this battle just came to an end

this was supposed to go before WILLISILL's but i didnt post it in enough time :kekeke:

Edited by bagotrasho
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