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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

2nd song today


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Hey this is the second song today i guess i'm in a good writin mood

nobody seemed to respond to my other song lets see if youll respond to this one



Hey I’m the new one on the mic

I’m the one gittin you hyped

But do you really know the person behind the rapper

The dude who sits at home writin rhymes

underneath the light of a clapper?

Do you know what about I’m about?

and how I spend my time?

Or do you claim to be my fan

But you just listen to my rhyme?

You don’t know jack about me

But you’ll sit around all day to see me on the TV

Do you know what I stand for?

Or do you just my cd from the damn store?

You know nothing of the rap game

I mean there biters rippen off the writers,

and then theres fighters, lightnin up joints

with their lighters,

girls givin out free one-nighters,

I hope the game gets brighter

I’m kickin the phony’s outta the game

Like yogi bear gets kicked out by the park ranger

Now Who Am I?

I’m the perfect stranger


(Hey who’s that guy on the track?)

(Hey where’d he come from?)

(Never seen him before)

That’s because I’m a perfect stranger

Just like lil baby Jesus layin in the manger

No one knew what I was gonna grow up to be

He turned out to be the savior I’m just an emcee

(and a damn good one I might add)

Just look at me now

Rappin, attackin

you’ll never catch me slackin

Better watch out I mean danger

Don’t mess with the perfect stranger


Now I never understood why what way you wear a hat

Should start a fight

Man if it causes that much trouble just flip it to the front


I’d imagine it’s a terrible sight

To see a dude get smoked in the night

It should strike some fright

Why should you get killed because your raiders hat

Was flipped to the right back side

Other gangs shootin at you outta their pimp ride

I dunno about you but that’s not how I’d wanna die

Now may I interject?

Back on the subject

Show me some res-pect

Cuz I’m per-fect

I’m the perfect stranger


That’s right I’m the rap changer

Just like I said I’m the perfect stranger

You what I am?

I’m like rap’s special topping

The cherry on the top of a Sunday

I’m like a day off on a Monday

I’m the snow on top of the mountain

I’m cold water in a water fountain

On a hot summer day

Theres no way

That you could possibly

Beat me

Defeat me

I don’t need nuttin to complete me

Behind my back you say u wanna take ur gun and “heat me”

But whenever you meet me

You still greet me

Cuz ur afraid to come clean wit me

Cuz you know if you did you’d git

Beat down by

The perfect stranger


Edited by bagotrasho
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  kbfprince said:
nice job with this one. i think you should split up the biters rippen up writers line though

forgot to do that thought i did thanks

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