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Why "Tell me why" should not be the 2nd single...

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first of all, i love "Diamonds are Forever." Don't get it twisted. I said Kanye was good and different, but ppl think he is the epitome of concious rap, and that is a problem.

2nd, i read posts here everyday saying Will should be selling more... Well, if you want that, "tell me why" is not a good choice. I've already said why so I won't repeat it. I just want to know which one fans want. Will to sell, or Will to go against what's popular and not sell??

I get what you mean with kanye, and i agree.

But i think tell me why is an important track to release, it's good for him to show the diversity of the album, people want to hear different kind of things from an artist, and people want to know if there is more then just partytracks. Releasing tell me why is good because it's the best non-party track with an hit-appeal.

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Will is better off releasing party tracks. That's his style and that's what he should continue to do. Suddenly being all serious and stuff with his singles is not needed now.

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Will is better off releasing party tracks. That's his style and that's what he should continue to do. Suddenly being all serious and stuff with his singles is not needed now.

While waiting for the outrage to follow this post, I think I'll toss in my opinion.

A true hip hop artist should not box himself into a specific genre of hip hop, but rather, he or she should explore as much as they feel is necessary. It keeps their work fresh and innovative. There are certainly other parts of Will's life that he wants to talk about and release to the world... "Just a CD? Na man, a piece of me." With the serious content, we get to see a part of Will we will never see in the party tracks. Life isn't only about the parties, the clubs and flying to Miami... Will took time to address a few serious topics and really dig within himself. You should be elated.

Furthermore, look at the flack Will has gotten in the past for only releasing party stuff. Lost and Found is receiving critical acclaim from a lot of people for it's serious and mature content. Should he "run rhyme a vittle/ food for thought, or dumb the rhyme a little" just to sell? We all know the answer to that.

Lastly, if not now, when will it be time for Will to release serious music? Seems like the time is now. He has some things to express, let him express them.

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Will is better off releasing party tracks. That's his style and that's what he should continue to do. Suddenly being all serious and stuff with his singles is not needed now.

Well he's best at doing comedic tracks, he'll always be known for that, every rapper has their own styles, but at the same time, he's older now and should be able to express the other side of being a caring father to the world as well, then on his next album he could go back to doing his comedic storytelling tracks or doing something else on his next album 'cause he got his point across on "Lost and Found", every album is a chapter of his life, some albums might not be as dope as others, but sometimes life isn't always up either, we always have up and downs, it's about being around when the smoke clears, the haters are gonna fall off and he'll succeed staying true to who he is, he's just showing that he's a down to earth person we could relate to, and I'll support whatever he does.

Edited by bigted
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:werd: Will is not a 1 dimensional guy. There's more to him. He's like us he has all the feeling we have. That why he said Lost and Found is like a snap shot of my life. This is one of the most open album I have ever done.

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Yeah, I understand that Will has matured a hell of a lot with Lost and Found and has become quite serious. But dunno, it is going to be hard to see Will coming out with such a serious track. Guess I should change my mindset about Will now. :dunno:

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Will is better off releasing party tracks. That's his style and that's what he should continue to do. Suddenly being all serious and stuff with his singles is not needed now.

While waiting for the outrage to follow this post, I think I'll toss in my opinion.

A true hip hop artist should not box himself into a specific genre of hip hop, but rather, he or she should explore as much as they feel is necessary. It keeps their work fresh and innovative. There are certainly other parts of Will's life that he wants to talk about and release to the world... "Just a CD? Na man, a piece of me." With the serious content, we get to see a part of Will we will never see in the party tracks. Life isn't only about the parties, the clubs and flying to Miami... Will took time to address a few serious topics and really dig within himself. You should be elated.

Furthermore, look at the flack Will has gotten in the past for only releasing party stuff. Lost and Found is receiving critical acclaim from a lot of people for it's serious and mature content. Should he "run rhyme a vittle/ food for thought, or dumb the rhyme a little" just to sell? We all know the answer to that.

Lastly, if not now, when will it be time for Will to release serious music? Seems like the time is now. He has some things to express, let him express them.

Oh wow nice said there man! I fully agree u! :thumb:

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