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If you met Will...

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this is really hard! coz it's all very well planning what you're gonna say but then when the moment arrives it all goes wrong...believe me!

At the Hitch premiere i really wanted to ask about Lost and Found, what it was gonna be like....or ask him where Jeff was, coz he wasn't there....but i probably ended up sounding like a total Loretta telling him how fantastic he was, and then i felt really embarassed, coz he gets that all the time!

Anyway one things for sure if i actually had the chance to speak to him properly i'd be going on about this site for hours!

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I agree with Fresh Princess. I mean I would tell Will I think the Lost and Found is just an work of art. I ask him about Jeff and their lil touring thing they have going on just poping up in clubs. But I'm sure when I meet I be so star struck that I will probably mumble sumthing like I.....Love....You. Or worst don't say anything just stand there like a drooling idiot. :bang: But I will try at least to get a hand shake or a hug from him. Maybe I would get 1 if I stand there like a drooling idiot. :grin: :angel:

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yeah when i did meet him i shouted "Will Will" then when he signed my CD i said "thank u thank u" , dont ask why i had to say it twice, then as he went to the next person he could still hear me i shouted "oh my god". lol whoops. What i meant to say was "Will your my idol, thank you for all the great music and movies that you've done over the years." or something like that. Id also like to say id still love him if he pants were hand me downs, but that might just sound stupid.

You can plan a lot of things to say to him but he has a wondeful way of leaving you speachless. If i had more time tho and calmed down id have loads to talk about eg, this site and how great the wild wild west was.

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I'd ask him to write a letter to my parole officer. :lockd:

Then I'd ask him if he would hire me.

I can't be doing no work. Standing around looking important is about all I can handle. :fingersx:

Finally as his security is dragging me away, I'd be asking him for a loan.

One good thang about me is that if I owe you money. Don't you worry. I won't forget that I owe you and as long as I owe you, you will always be able to say that you got money coming one day. :lookhehe:


The Bossman :afro:

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last night l had a dream about meeting will and in the dream l was explaining to will how fresh prince of bel air is shown in our country in east africa and then will was listening to me but l woke up and realised it was just a dream.l wish it could have been true.

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  FreshPrincess said:
this is really hard! coz it's all very well planning what you're gonna say but then when the moment arrives it all goes wrong...believe me!

At the Hitch premiere i really wanted to ask about Lost and Found, what it was gonna be like....or ask him where Jeff was, coz he wasn't there....but i probably ended up sounding like a total Loretta telling him how fantastic he was, and then i felt really embarassed, coz he gets that all the time!

Anyway one things for sure if i actually had the chance to speak to him properly i'd be going on about this site for hours!

Yea I believe u fresh princess! I can imagine... :sonny:

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I'd Tell him i have been a fan since i was 6 yrs old and that will prove how hardcore of a fan I am.

I would ask him if he lets his kids watch Bad Boy and his other R-Rated Film and the same With Jada's film. I highly doubt they can watch Scream 2 and Deamon Night because she dies in them

Maybee I get a few pics and autographs and let he be

Edited by D-Money
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  D-Money said:
I would ask him if he lets his kids watch Bad Boy and his other R-Rated Film and the same With Jada's film. I highly doubt they can watch Scream 2 and Deamon Night because she dies in them

Jada don't be dying in Demon Night!

She whooped all they bootys. :ali:

The Bossman :afro:

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Honestly, I'd prolly be too ashamed to even talk to him, I'd prolly stand there

as the most silent dude alive, mainly because I'll prolly have max. 3-4 seconds with him and that's not enough to tell him what you really feel, 3-4 seconds is only enough if your response is limited to such as: ''I love youuuuuuuuuu'' ''wiiiiiillllll willllllllllll'' or even ''sign me boobies willll'' at 2 of the 3 cases, I'm already out

So basically, I'll stand there as a robot without talking at all

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