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Party Starter Music Video Ideas?

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Hmmm...i see it as "Switch" on steriods. I see lots of colors and lots of lights. I see lots of Hip-Hop and Rap cameos. I see a crowd and some dancing. Just a huge house party for the 2005. Hopefully Jazzy Jeff pops up in the video. I think "Party Starter" is the perfect summer single 2 compete on the charts and take the album 2 the next level. After all those people start feeling FP again, like the BWS days, then it's time 2 hit 'em with "Tell Me Why" in the autumn.

I think this track needs a remix. A new skool one featuring 2days commercial rap artists that don't suck. But i still think they need 2 do that old skool remix i mentioned a few months ago. A JJ+FP remix called "Party Starters" which is don't old skool house party style...Jazzy goin' crazy on the wheels.

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Lol, just as long as there are no midgets in this video, I'm good... Incidentally, if there are any midgets (or "little people" as you like to call yourselves) on this forum... I apologize

Ok... so I really haven't thought this out... so I'm pretty much freestylin with these ideas.

I think the video should start off with Will walking into some club that's just totally dead. People standing against the walls... not having any fun... Some 50 cent song playing in the background (you know i was gonna fit that in somewhere) and no one dancing to it... a few people trying, but immediately giving up. Will says something like... "it never used to be like this." And then the intro beat starts up... but it's extended... Luda (the club owner) comes out and talks to Will... tells him that something has to be done. We see Will take the stage... "mike check... mike check.. and the camera zooms from all the way in the back of the club to Will... "GET ON THE FLOOR!!!!" And Luda can be pushing people onto the dance floor. We could fit a midget in there if ya'll wanted to... But as soon as the people hit the dance floor, they start dancing. Have Will rhyming the first verse... I'll think of something later for the groovacide bomber lyrics... But Will is really hyping the crowd...

So, for the second verse... we'd have old footage of past FPJJ concerts... especially the early years to coincide with the lyrics... Fade ins and outs of Will onstage and fade ins and outs of past shows and concerts... Will sweating... Crowds past and present going crazy.

So for the last verse, we could have Will in an outside concert, spiting the lyrics... everyone at the concert bopping to the beat and agreeing with the message. And we can have the final dance scene coincide with the last hook. Have Will standing off to the side smiling while everyone is dancing and having a good time in the club that was dead before he took the stage. The club is full and he's off to the side... the music fades, and he looks at the camera with a knowing smile and says... "I still got it."

Fade to black...

Rough draft guys.

Edited by MaxFly
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^^^^ just curious, what's with u and midgets?

i really like Max's idea of Will walkin in2 the club and it's dead then he busts out with Party Starter. thats hot! however i'm not quite feelin the whole flashback ideas. i havent come up with anything yet, but i'll keep brainstorming and see what i can think of

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Well I c it as a party that is completely dead n have like this fake-gangsta doing this wack-ass rap. Ppl r just like falling of dead with bored. But then Will shows up with his crew n takes the mic out of the guy's hands then the music starts. Sorry first timer here in sharing ideas 4 a music video.

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i say keep it simple. Don't make it too flashy like the other videos out right now. A black and white video might be nice. But unlike "drop it like it's hot", another black and white vid, let there be more action goin on. Nothin corny ya'll come on...

*the whole thing about ppl bein bored with "fake" gangsta rap ain't happenin guys. Although it migh seem nice to u guys, it doesn't present reality. Unfortunately today ppl love that fake stuff. Ppl in the clubs dance more to it.

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I'm thinking a dude in a recordstore checking out cd's, he sees will's and is like: no, he's corny and ****. Then he listens to the album, luda screamin big williie comes on, the camera zooms in into the cd cover, the video will take place in a place like the cd cover, will starts rappin, fast lights, cuts and editing on the video. He goes on a stage or a block party type of thing in the same colors as the cd cover, they show cameos of the signs that say lost and found.

Basially: An enviroment like the cd cover, block party, fast video and editing which should fit with the song.

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^^^^ just curious, what's with u and midgets?

i really like Max's idea of Will walkin in2 the club and it's dead then he busts out with Party Starter. thats hot! however i'm not quite feelin the whole flashback ideas. i havent come up with anything yet, but i'll keep brainstorming and see what i can think of

Ludacris always seems to find a way to put a midget in some of his videos... it was just a little bit of comic relief. :wink:

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"Party Starter" does have to be released soon, the weather's getting nice out now, that'd be a fitting way to usher in the summer. :jazzy:

btw, I actually agree with what mimi's saying there somewhat 'cause I don't think Will would diss 50 Cent in a video or any rapper for that matter since he doesn't do that even though we wouldn't mind if he did, he might even have some of those wack rappers in the video as cameos, but as long as he doesn't have them rap on a remix, that's ok with me.

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For the groovacide bomber... it think we can just simply go with Will taking off or opening his jacket while on stage at the club, and revealing a row of mics strapped to his chest with the word "Explosive" printed on the mics. We could have him spitting the lyrics...

I'm the groovacide bomber

Mic in my vest, tight

Strapped to my chest, like

I'ma run up in the party hollaring

And be like...

And the crowd joins in with the "Ohhhh!!!" when they see the row of mics strapped to his chest like sticks of dynamite...

And he finishes...

... fulfilling my calling

And then the crowd chants... "Big Will!!!!" and he goes on with the rest of the lyrics and then the hook.

The groovacide bomber thing can get pretty dicey though... especially with that's going on in Iraq and Israel right now... so we may have to omit that.

Ok... here's a little bit more about what I was thinking for the second verse...

So we have these lyrics

He was raised in the days when the roof was raised

Every rap occasion, new & amazing

The back of the stage amazed and gazin’

Prayin for the day they would one day praise him

Studied the ways of the game & made it

Came through the maze & the haze & played it perfect

Days any person hated & cursed him, he was unfazed

He waited, it was worth it, he never retaliated

He saved it, slavin’, on the road blazin’

Days when he was low, nothin’ could raise him

He came to the show & somethin’ uncaged in him

Like the pope, but its party crusade, I’m like braids that’s never gon’

fade (ya heard)

I’m like, 23’s on an Escalade, throw me into the rave

like you threw a grenade – BOOM!!

They're really about him coming up in hip hop, so it'd be cool if we had some old footage from past concerts and shows showing him to be a "Party Starter" while he was coming up, getting the crowds hyped. This verse is kinda like a flashback, so we could probably have a flashback in the video sense as well. Fade ins and fade outs from the present, to past, to present, to past... for however long is reasonable. When he says "Boom!!!" at the end of that verse, we can have footage from a performance of "Boom, Shake the Room" and match up the video to the audio, so when Will says "Boom!!!" on the audio, the video will coincide to have him saying... "tick, tick, tick, tick... Boom!!!" with the audio "Boom!" and the video "Boom!" coming at the same time. The scene shatters like glass on the Boom, falling down revealing the concert scene for the hook and the third verse...

I'm also feeling that house party theme AJ mentioned. Some good stuff could be done with that.

Edited by MaxFly
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  • Admin

I like the idea of interspersing clips of live shows of will and jeff in the music video..i was actually thinkin the same thing.. hey we got sum dope ideas here..hopefully Wills readin!

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