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Lets Battle

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You have officially lost the battle with that post,

Could have responded to my proofs at the most,

But you couldn’t, cause all my facts were right,

No jokes in my last rhyme, I was prepared to fight,

Brought it as it is without bending any truth,

You just stood still stupid while I made you brood,

Nothing came to your mind after trying time after time,

Decided to repeat the attack you used in your previous rhyme,

Proves your inability to continue this battle of the pros,

Your last rites will be conducted after the post of J-o-e’s.

Diss me of the fact that I’m from a country like India,

More harsher than your ‘hood’, just one day here’d kill ya,

An English philoshoper trying to show us his intelligence,

Unaware of the fact of the American-British difference,

You use I-Z-E’s over there while it’s I-S-E’s over here,

Go check with your Professor, he’ll clarify and clear,

Your official language is English while mine is Hindi,

But I’m more fluent than you, so don’t even try me.

This is it kid, I’ve left you in a broken piece,

So J-o-e can kill you later, homie you can rest in peace.

Byes. :i_won_battle:

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What is this? Is j-o-e giving up?

Thats cool wit me, I'll just get on Bracesup,

Bracesup, I'm not disrespectin' India,

I'm disrespectin you, I'm knockin sense into ya,

You talk the truth? I'll respond with the same sh*t,

I respect that homie, no more of that gay sh*t,

But its time to end this, the end is near,

Listen up, hear me loud and clear,

Your boy J-o-e just quit so its me and you,

You had an advantage bc its was 1 against 2,

My boy W.I.I. aint' here and I'm still woopin that a*s,

I taught you every think you knew like your teachers do in class,

I got you to stop talkin about dicks and stuff,

Its time to get dirty, its time to get rough,

I'm glad you know how to spell, but that's over there,

You got it twisted dog you wouldn't last here or anywhere,

You say your talkin the truth? Well I got somethin for you,

You lost, face it! Its the truth so just be "true",

Be a good sport, and shake my hand,

Maybe next time, you'll understand,

In America we spell that with"I-z-e.",

I respect that you know all your "A, B, C's."

I hope you didnt think that I would quit after your boy Joe,

I am winner not a quitter! me quit? No no no,

Next time you go out, tell everyone,

That you lost to a 14 year old, My winning streak has just begun.

"Byes" :wiggle:

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F*ck it one more battle cant hurt b4 the battle


Yo i've just read your lines and you dont derserve

Thats why i have to serve after that i've observe

What sort of Whack MC are you? U dissed me first

Now my thirst for beef is more than this 1 verse.

Your in danger of rap. So please stop trying

Im sick and tired of your lines. Ur not a baby stop crying.

Just cause we're beating your asses. Don't have to be sad

I didnt try and be mean to you. But too bad

Once you called me a quitter i sat there and took it

But i thought I could grab this battle and then shook it

Flows superb. didnt ya'll know that? its a fact

Im not black. But have you ever seen Deep Impact?

If i had it my way you would be in Jail for extortion

But u think u have a portion. Ya girl had a abortian

And the funny thing is. Was it yours? are you sure?

You think you smart? you got cancer, U got the cure?

Lyrics precise, I told you before. You gotta pay the price

Im giving you advice. You got lice? Imma beat you. Twice.

Dont have a fit that I aint Quit. Not Joe so "G" please sit

But for you to admit. You gotta commit. You Spit Sh!t

You 14 you gonna try and be like Dennis The Mennis?

You heard of him or do i have to hit you and W.I.I like Tennis?

I don't know what your doing here. This is my court

I was only giving you some support. Its only a sport

Stop messing about. You know you cant mess with this flow

No Show Joe? Do behave Im back and now im a pro

Ask Bracesup he know. In the summer im that Bee Sting

At Spring me and ya girl had a bit of a fling. But No Ring

I was gonna have a good day. Whatever you had to say

I can respond. Dont wanna write an essay. How much u weigh?

O have a said to much "G" am i now in trouble?

Has something come around and Burst your bubble?

My rhymes are perfection, You seen them? This is your inspection

If i die by losing to you i will. But homie back ill come with the ressurection.

So whats all the commotion? Drink Ludas Potion. Whats your motion?

Even that im across the ocean. Homie ive still killed all of your emotions

LL Said "Hush" so you got a crush. For this rap game very much

Just telling you now instead of telling you later. Homie u cant touch

This as much as im spitting this. And as much as you are Sh!tting this

I cant apologyze. its my fault that im just hitting this.

So when you old enough to drive. Big enough to survive

Holla at me and then homie You might not have to go home at five.

Your young and dumb and dont know what your getting into

Go across the world and have a look at the lovely View..

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Once again you come at me with 44 lines,

Whats wrong? You're letting this 14 year old maul you like 2 canines?

Damn son, I thought you had ahold of yourself,

You need to check in to a shrink and get ahold of yourself,

I know that I'm hurtin' your feelings with all of this sh*t,

Keep practicing, next summer you'll be able to deal with it,

I'm just over 5'10 and 160 pounds,

I'll twist and turn you like a merry go-round,

They say you should learn from your mistakes, well listen up,

Your makin a mistake fightin' me with Bracesup,

It's 2 against 1 and I'm dealin with it,

I'm not cryin about the next battle you little sh*t,

I know your "sick and tired" of all my lines,

Because they disrespect you, they crack on your rhymes

Because your rhymes are so atrocious, you need some training,

Your rhymes don't make sense, but they are very intertaining,

Keep writing for me, maybe I'll pay you one day,

You probably make minimum wage anyway,

Don't f*ck around with "cancer," thats not what we are beefin for,

Do you have a vaccine? Do you have a cure?

Don't worry about diseases bc thats not how your gonna die,

Your gonna die in this battle after my rhymes make you cry. :die:

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Damn right your rhymes made us cry,

Was as pathetic as Tom Criuse's fake love try,

To Katie who still can't be a superstar,

Like your goals as rapper just too far,

The war of the forums officially underway,

Saw J-o-e beat everybody in the very first day,

Waiting for my turn after that sick psychopath,

Calls himself Lerkot who's aiming for his cat,

Gonna seal the deal as the true freestyle champion,

While you kids go back to watching Nickelodeon,

Doesn't even require the battle of Mc-Bad boy,

This is how we do cause our mics ain't no play toy,

It's an extension of my soul without which I can't live,

Freestyles flowing naturally I've got so much more to give,

Just switch on the beatbox, I can go 100 miles spitting,

Leave you amateurs behind and make ya'll start quitting,

This is the real hip-hop movement and we're the new craze,

Gen X rappers hypnotising ya'll with our wicked lyrical daze,

Shrinks ain't needed homie, we're genius who can think,

But I'll rather get you an appointment cause you're about to sink,

You already lost the previous battle, so I guess this is your retry,

Anticipating the same end, so I'll end now itself with a BYES! :1-say-yes:

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No one won anything this battle ain't done,

Lets create a poll, and ask everyone,

Who won this battle? I think GScotty,

His rhymes are untangible, ferocious, and naughty,

J-o-e never beat anyone he lost his his "rap card",

He's a quitter, a fake, and a f*ckin retard,

Don't bring J-o-e in to this sh*t,

I'll never respect him, winners never quit,

I'm done with cussin', I don't want to hurt you grown men,

Let me retell this story, I know where to begin,

This all started with a soft rhyme from GScotty,

I wanted to see if there was someone, anybody,

That person was W.I.I., he is the man,

None of you men can rap like he can,

He killed me the first time then joined my team,

I saw your wack rhymes on the computer screen,

I came I saw I conquered, like Caesar said,

I saw an oppurtunity to jump ahead,

Rhyme after rhyme, I got pretty good,

I taught you had to actually rap, not that you could,

Rhyme after Rhyme the battle never ended,

Until GScotty hit you with rhymes so splended,

So take some time to think about who,

GScotty is because this battle is through.

:i_won_battle: :i_won_battle: :i_won_battle:

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Stupid freaking bitch, I’ll mention J-o-e everytime,

He’s the best mc here, he got mad wicked rhymes,

Dude spit so much here, that’s why he took a pause,

But he showed up the next day, and nailed you to a cross,

Now you can go ahead and say how much we are gay,

That’ll be your only defense cause you’re losing everyday.

Yelling from the buildings that you haven’t lost yet,

Create the poll you want and I’ll win, that’s a bet.

You’re significantly losing the creativity with every second line,

So you’re desperately posting 3 ‘I Won’ signs, substitute for a whine,

I read your post in the official battle, that was really sad,

Jonny totally whooped your ass, and made you look bad,

I highly doubt your partner could rescue your losing streak,

Cause even Will is Ill tried but only sounded weak,

Dude was contradicting so much he sounded like John Kerry,

His credibility as a rapper will always remain a query,

You are and will always be just an upcoming amateur,

Reading your mindless rhymes will always be a torture,

This cycle is gonna be repeating, I’ll always be winning,

And I ain’t gonna stop until I make you end up quitting.

Byesing. :wink:

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I'll tell you again, like I'll told you before,

I'll never give up "b*tch" so bring some more,

F*ck the poll, I got nothin to prove to you,

We know who's the champ thats no new news to you,

Thats so cute stickin' up for your boy Joe,

You'll never make me quit, Thats a "No No,"

I dont give a sh*t if this doesn't stop,

Sooner or later I know you're gonna rot,

If I ever lost, I'd accept it, not fight it,

But I havent and you have so why try to avoid it?

Don't crack on W.I.I. he made it to the Ship,

He won all his battles, and you lost it,

I won't call you gay bc I'm not like you,

Do I have to explain again that I'm not homo like you?

Oh wait, my bad, I just called you gay,

Didn't we say we'd stop that yesterday?

But then we said, we'd would only speak legitimately,

And what is legitimate is that you are gay flamboyantly,

If you don't know what any of these words mean look them up,

You think I'm intimidated by a guy named Bracesup?

Well Braces are now down, you have officially fallen short,

Of winning this battle get the f*ck off my court.

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There’s no question of sensibility in your verses now,

Figured you’re trying too hard to freestyle somehow,

I didn’t mention the polls to prove my talent,

Was your idea loser, I know what you meant,

Why you gots to twist everything that you say before,

These people can’t tolerate it, you’re becoming a bore,

Reminds me of something else, oh about the ABC

Said you respected me first, now you can’t take it back G,

But thank you for the gay stuff, you dug your own grave,

Totally proved my point, you’ve got nothing there to save,

Used up all your wits to come up with a diss,

Said some mean curses there but it is just a miss,

I could say F too, but I’m above that game,

I still got you beat and put you to shame,

But I’ll go on and on as long as you want,

Spitting witty lines is the way I will taunt,

Me and J-o-e killed you, that’s why you’re full of hate,

Winning isn’t your thing dude, losing is your fate,

Lemme play a game here, guessing your next verse,

About homosexuality and our age, and a whole bunch of curse.

Byes. :dj:

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That last rhyme was good, b/c I know I was wrong,

No more of that gay sh*t, its been too long,

But one thing I know is that you're a fake a*s Punjabi,

Even he'll tell u aint a MC, let alone nobody,

The Indians probably told that you could spit',

Get that sh*t out of here man, you can't spit' ****,

But you got my vote, b/c Lerkie can't rap,

You can't rap either but it's better than his crap,

I hope you made the right choice and voted for me too,

Even though we're enemies, you can speak the truth,

In this case, the truth is that I'm winning this battle,

I got you druling like a baby crying without its rattle.

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Alright boy, I’ll give you this much credit,

You did do well officially and kept it legit,

But what’s this garbage about me being a Punjabi?

Bitch that ain’t even my religion, I don’t follow Sikh see.

I’m a straight up Hindu down from the south,

Tamil is my lingo and that’s what I’m all about,

So don’t mix up my faith with your weak knowledge,

Or I’ll bash you up lil bitch and stick you in a wedge.

The braces are up, prepare for a knuckle sandwich,

Consequence is a broken nose and a big stitch,

If you wanna talk about rattles then I am a snake,

Spitting venomous lines that shook you like an earthquake.

Byes :jazzy:

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I know alotta knowledge I think you got that wrong,

You'll understand by the end of this song,

I know many things, that you definetely don't,

You think you'll win this battle? I think you won't,

You don't have J-o-e to back you up anymore,

I'm so very glad, that kid was a bore,

The only thing you know is about your "Sikh" religion,

Don't worry about that just make this decision,

The time is now, I think you should quit,

Take some time, to think about that sh*t,

This will never stop unless we create a poll,

I'm like butter cause bitch I'm on a roll!

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Was gone one day, so bitch you was grateful,

Didn’t cause you misery and made you hateful,

But I’m back now radiating nuclear fission,

Destroying you completely is my only mission,

Flip-flop thoughts son, you better clear it,

Either have a poll or just say screw it,

But you can’t make up your mind cause it’s weak,

And not able to understand that I’m NOT a Sikh,

Just a lyrical mess dude you’re a maniac,

Making my task more easy to attack.

J-o-e is my best bud, but I can go solo,

Combined or single, you’re still a no-show,

Byes. :hmm:

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I agree with this ****, we should have people vote,

But they have to read everything that we said and wrote,

Me and you can't decide, this **** will end one day,

But the day is long gone, and far far away,

Who do you think would win? Me or you?

Thats an easy as* question after I've been killin' you,

And your boy J-o-e, who *****n punked out,

We now know the truth and what he's all about,

Let me here your opinion, on what we should do,

Don't forget my name bc I won't forget you,

I'll remember the old days, about this guy Bracesup,

Who managed to look down b/c he couldn't look up,

B/c I took his heart, and didn't give it back,

You mine as well go back to suckin' on your moms rack.

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