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Keep your cool. Reguardless of how ignorant this person is, letting yourself get angered by him and u letting him control u. U know this person is an idiot...so don't take what he says seriously. Let that garbage just roll off. Besides u don't do something 2 lower yourself 2 his level.

The only other thing i could consider would be addressing it 2 someone who could change the situation so that u don't have 2 get anymore involved then u already are. U might wanna consider getting down on his level in a cool way and just say "i'd appreciate it if you'd stop making those comments." Don't resort 2 fighting unless it's absolutely necessary. Staying cool is the best thing u can do...but at the same time, u can't allow yourself 2 be disrespected. That's why action should be taken. So talk it out. Don't come off offensive or accusing, just relaxed. I would only fight back if he would escalate things 2 that level...cuz u can't just stand there if someone gets agressive towards u. Just make sure it's a fair fight. U don't wanna play yourself by allowing things 2 go that way if u are out numbered if his friends would be jumping in.

I'll pray on your situation...but i think this post has inspired an advice post...check 4 it.

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One of my friends/co-worker's grandmothers had a stroke 2day. It's always a rough time when someone who is a parent figure is suffering or passes away. I talked 2 her and it didn't sound good. I'm just asking that everyone lift her up in prayer in hopes of a recovery. If it's her time to go, i'm asking for guidence, wisdom, and understanding for my friend and her family. What makes this extra painful is that her grandmother raised her...not her real mother (who got more involved in her life later). She's 26 years old and still stops by her grandmother's house every single day.

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Yeah Turntable I think a lot of us go through bullying in school, really it's just kids looking for attention, like the famous words of FP just "Wave 'Em Off" and btw I'll keep your co-worker in my thoughts AJ

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just keep your cool Turntable and don't give them your unfocused attention.

I could really use your prayers. Over the past two days I haven't really been able to hear out of my left ear. I just yawned and it closed up or something. It's never happened to me before. As of today, it hurts too. I don't know if I'll be able to participate in the audio battle final if I'm not better soon. That would be a sad way to end it too.

Please just keep this in your prayers, I'll be doing the same for you guys.

God Blessa!

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just found out a little while ago that my baby cousin has asthma, he's only 10 mths. old. From the looks of things it's pretty serious so i'm asking you guys to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and i'm hoping everything will be ok sad & worried don't even begin to express my mood right now :worried:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it's time for me to pour my soul out for y'all here, I try to keep my personal stuff to myself on the most part but really over the past few months it seemed like I've been in a funk ever since I was done working my job on the boardwalk here in Seaside during the spring and summer, I also haven't been able to talk to a girl that I've been good friends with for the last 4 plus years since she's been so busy these days, my parents been receiving these high bills, my mother got a huge credit card bill that she won't be able to pay soon it seems, I'm seeing I can't really help that much at the moment since I'm not getting that much unemployment, really I've been bumping a lot of hardcore records like Ice Cube's album

more than ever these days'cause I just had to get that frustration out some way or another,

now it just didn't help that one of my favorite rappers LL Cool J is doing an album with 50 Cent, I took it too much to heart really, I made a bunch of posts yesterday in that post about record sales that I had to delete saying stuff like I'd throw LL's albums in the garbage if he does an album with 50 Cent and that his wife will divorce his ass if he turns into a gangsta and stuff like he should go to hell, I really didn't mean it though 'cause if I wasn't into LL Cool J at a younger age I'd never really get into hip-hop, he's the one that help introduce it to me, plus his music inspired me so much to write my own songs now, yesterday really I had a crossroads moment where I basically just sat in my room turned everything off and just thought about everything in my life, I even shed some tears too I ain't afraid to say, me and my parents had a good talk too, they came in and saw me like that and I told them everything that was bothering me

I really was having a soul searching moment last night basically similar to what LL talked about in his autobiography when he'd cry in the shower 'cause everything in his life got to him, I just thought about that too, I might not like everything he does and I might not like his next album either but really he's helped me so much in so many ways unimaginable that I can't hate on him like that, it felt good to get all those months of frustration out like that for my soul, I feel much more full of life now really, I'm gonna start doing more than ever to help my parents out in other ways that money just can't quite equal up to, love is the most important thing really,and today I had a good talk with Turntable and I'd like to share some of what I had to say to him, he was there when I had my rant yesterday:

There's much more important things in life to worry about like I wrote above than to take it out on an artist, especially one of my favorites in this case, now on the serious tip you know what though these artists go through the motions just like us, FP said in one interview that he didn't listen to hip-hop anymore and in another he said that he still loves hip-hop, maybe he was having a bad day and he said something that he didn't mean, just like that crap I was saying yesterday on the mostpart, the differences is that we don't have microphones in our face all the time, maybe LL took a bad day out on Jay-Z too, I'm sure he really don't have beef with Jay-Z in reality, and now we see how the media blows everything up, I shouldn't really listen to what illseed said on allhiphop.com says in the rumor 'cause a lot of those rumors he made come out false, that's why they're rumors I guess, I shouldn't even be dumb enough to read 'em, just like illseed said during the summer that Jay-Z wouldn't promote his comeback album like that would actually happen since Jay-Z' a big artist, I remember having a big laugh when I read that, he must be talking out of his butt, I guess like Chuck D says is true, don't believe the hype...

Now really like the song that JJFP made that's the anthem of this forum "Caught In The Middle", we get caught up in love and life, we also get too much caught up with music in our life, like Hammer said in an interview music should be a tool to motivate you to have good memories, don't get caught up in the negativity, now people might hate on him too but there was a point in millions of peoples lives that his music would make them happy, it's the same way with 50 Cent and Eminem now even though many of hip-hop heads like us hate on them,really this should be a motivation to all of us here like I said if you don't like an artist don't tear them down so much 'cause they're human too, just talk about artists that you do like and ignore all the hate out there, that's what I'm gonna do from now on, I just hoped maybe this would inspire anybody that might be going through tough times too, really AJ and Frenetic I might not always see eye to eye with y'all but I understand that you guys probably might be upset about things too when you post so no hard feelings baby, one love

Edited by bigted
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Hey Turntable I got your back anytime man, anytime you wanna talk about something don't be afraid to pm me or even just post it in this thread

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