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  Lerkot said:
The world is punished and awakened by stuff like this. Bombs in London, bombs in every town is great, AS LONG AS IT DO NOT HURT ANYONE MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY, because the world gots to know the many misstakes it have done towards itself to be able to repair itself.

Lerk, I think you need to clarify this... or something. :hmm: Because if I'm interpreting what you wrote correctly, you think that detonation of bombs can, under certain circumstances, be a legitimate way for everyday people to bring attention to the various injustices in our societies and in our world. This could not be more absurd. First of all, your stipulation that these bombings not be harmful, mentally or physically, is more than a little bit puzzling. Bombs are a means of destruction. :wtf: That's what they do. Ummmm... I'm not sure even what I'm talking about or where my argument is going, because the whole topic seems so nonsensical lol... But in conclusion and in summary, if you want to point out the problems of the world, write a thought-provoking article, stage a protest, sign a petition, hold ridiculously coordinated rock concerts on all the continents of the world, whatever... but bombs? :thumbsdown: Ummmmm... ok, done! (this is officially my new way to end rambling posts)

Edited by scyhigh99
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hey guys i dunno if ur misinterpreting Lerkot or what. at first when i read it, i was like wtf?! then i re-read it and even tho i disagree with him i understand what he's sayin. he's sayin that bombs that don't hurt anyone (which i guess today's bombings could be since no1 died) at least wake up the world and make them realize the reality of what can happen. sometimes people need a wake up call to the reality of life. of course on the other hand, i totally disagree with Lerkot. all bombs do is destruct things and disturb any peace that is going on. any bomb, regardless of whether it hurts somone or not, is bad IMHO.

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Bombs will always hurt someone, somewhere mentally,...weather in that city or half way around the globe, because the act alone is a troubling thought just knowing this has happened...

The only 'good' thing (in my opinion) that can come of any bombing is the 'bomber' has bad tyming, and no innocent person gets hurt or killed... Society will just become more alert of our surroundings, but... Sadly, I would hate to think that we all would become paranoid as a result, every tyme we leave our homes...



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They shot and killed him, apparently he was one of the bombers that got away yesterday

Ironicly he was trying to escape police on the tube

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  reborn2reign said:
hey guys i dunno if ur misinterpreting Lerkot or what. at first when i read it, i was like wtf?! then i re-read it and even tho i disagree with him i understand what he's sayin. he's sayin that bombs that don't hurt anyone (which i guess today's bombings could be since no1 died) at least wake up the world and make them realize the reality of what can happen. sometimes people need a wake up call to the reality of life. of course on the other hand, i totally disagree with Lerkot. all bombs do is destruct things and disturb any peace that is going on. any bomb, regardless of whether it hurts somone or not, is bad IMHO.

I don't care which way you read it using the words"bombs in every town is great", in any context ain't never gonna be right

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QUOTE(reborn2reign @ Jul 22 2005, 04:48 AM)

hey guys i dunno if ur misinterpreting Lerkot or what. at first when i read it, i was like wtf?! then i re-read it and even tho i disagree with him i understand what he's sayin. he's sayin that bombs that don't hurt anyone (which i guess today's bombings could be since no1 died) at least wake up the world and make them realize the reality of what can happen. sometimes people need a wake up call to the reality of life. of course on the other hand, i totally disagree with Lerkot. all bombs do is destruct things and disturb any peace that is going on. any bomb, regardless of whether it hurts somone or not, is bad IMHO.

I don't care which way you read it using the words"bombs in every town is great", in any context ain't never gonna be right

that is true and also reborn i don't think anyone who wants to bomb anyone will bomb them to just "wake up the world" the entire point for someone to bomb a place like london is to kill not to "wake up the world"

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It's sad that all this is happening only due to religious differences. So many horrific violent incidents have occurred only in the name of religion. How sad God would be that this much destruction has occured just to, in a sick twisted way, please him.

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  JamesUK said:
  Lerkot said:
The world is punished and awakened by stuff like this. Bombs in London, bombs in every town is great

Thats one of the most disrespectful things i eva heard, how do you think the families of victims would react to comments like that

As I said, I meant bombs in a more untouchable aspect.. like not bombs exactly, but the effects of bombs greatness in awakening people. And it was as well disrespectful not quoting the "as long as it doesnt hurt anyone in any way"-part, since the thing you quoted making me some kind of monster. And you gotta see through the explosive part to see what I meant. Of course I could hav expressed myself better - I just imagined people would be wise enough to understand it abstract metaphors...

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  Bracesup said:
It's sad that all this is happening only due to religious differences. So many horrific violent incidents have occurred only in the name of religion. How sad God would be that this much destruction has occured just to, in a sick twisted way, please him.

You're wrong, I think. Its hate, not religion, that have caused this.

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  Lerkot said:
  Bracesup said:
It's sad that all this is happening only due to religious differences. So many horrific violent incidents have occurred only in the name of religion. How sad God would be that this much destruction has occured just to, in a sick twisted way, please him.

You're wrong, I think. Its hate, not religion, that have caused this.

I think you're right, Lerk, but the disgusting part is that many terrorists justify their hate through warped interpretations of religion. All this reminded me of an article from the satirical newspaper The Onion, which if you haven't seen before, you should check out at www.theonion.com. Anyways, it was a piece written in the days after 9-11-01, and after a little searching, I found it on the net...

God Agrily Clarifies "Don't kill' rule

NEW YORK—Responding to recent events on Earth, God, the omniscient creator-deity worshipped by billions of followers of various faiths for more than 6,000 years, angrily clarified His longtime stance against humans killing each other Monday.

"Look, I don't know, maybe I haven't made myself completely clear, so for the record, here it is again," said the Lord, His divine face betraying visible emotion during a press conference near the site of the fallen Twin Towers. "Somehow, people keep coming up with the idea that I want them to kill their neighbor. Well, I don't. And to be honest, I'm really getting sick and tired of it. Get it straight. Not only do I not want anybody to kill anyone, but I specifically commanded you not to, in really simple terms that anybody ought to be able to understand."

Worshipped by Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike, God said His name has been invoked countless times over the centuries as a reason to kill in what He called "an unending cycle of violence."

"I don't care how holy somebody claims to be," God said. "If a person tells you it's My will that they kill someone, they're wrong. Got it? I don't care what religion you are, or who you think your enemy is, here it is one more time: No killing, in My name or anyone else's, ever again."

The press conference came as a surprise to humankind, as God rarely intervenes in earthly affairs. As a matter of longstanding policy, He has traditionally left the task of interpreting His message and divine will to clerics, rabbis, priests, imams, and Biblical scholars. Theologians and laymen alike have been given the task of pondering His ineffable mysteries, deciding for themselves what to do as a matter of faith. His decision to manifest on the material plane was motivated by the deep sense of shock, outrage, and sorrow He felt over the Sept. 11 violence carried out in His name, and over its dire potential ramifications around the globe.

"I tried to put it in the simplest possible terms for you people, so you'd get it straight, because I thought it was pretty important," said God, called Yahweh and Allah respectively in the Judaic and Muslim traditions. "I guess I figured I'd left no real room for confusion after putting it in a four-word sentence with one-syllable words, on the tablets I gave to Moses. How much more clear can I get?"

"But somehow, it all gets twisted around and, next thing you know, somebody's spouting off some nonsense about, 'God says I have to kill this guy, God wants me to kill that guy, it's God's will,'" God continued. "It's not God's will, all right? News flash: 'God's will' equals 'Don't murder people.'"

Worse yet, many of the worst violators claim that their actions are justified by passages in the Bible, Torah, and Qur'an.

"To be honest, there's some contradictory stuff in there, okay?" God said. "So I can see how it could be pretty misleading. I admit it—My bad. I did My best to inspire them, but a lot of imperfect human agents have misinterpreted My message over the millennia. Frankly, much of the material that got in there is dogmatic, doctrinal bull****. I turn My head for a second and, suddenly, all this stuff about homosexuality gets into Leviticus, and everybody thinks it's God's will to kill gays. It absolutely drives Me up the wall."

God praised the overwhelming majority of His Muslim followers as "wonderful, pious people," calling the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 attacks rare exceptions.

"This whole medieval concept of the jihad, or holy war, had all but vanished from the Muslim world in, like, the 10th century, and with good reason," God said. "There's no such thing as a holy war, only unholy ones. The vast majority of Muslims in this world reject the murderous actions of these radical extremists, just like the vast majority of Christians in America are pissed off over those two bigots on The 700 Club."

Continued God, "Read the book: 'Allah is kind, Allah is beautiful, Allah is merciful.' It goes on and on that way, page after page. But, no, some assholes have to come along and revive this stupid holy-war crap just to further their own hateful agenda. So now, everybody thinks Muslims are all murderous barbarians. Thanks, Taliban: 1,000 years of pan-Islamic cultural progress down the drain."

God stressed that His remarks were not directed exclusively at Islamic extremists, but rather at anyone whose ideological zealotry overrides his or her ability to comprehend the core message of all world religions.

"I don't care what faith you are, everybody's been making this same mistake since the dawn of time," God said. "The Muslims massacre the Hindus, the Hindus massacre the Muslims. The Buddhists, everybody massacres the Buddhists. The Jews, don't even get me started on the hardline, right-wing, Meir Kahane-loving Israeli nationalists, man. And the Christians? You people believe in a Messiah who says, 'Turn the other cheek,' but you've been killing everybody you can get your hands on since the Crusades."

Growing increasingly wrathful, God continued: "Can't you people see? What are you, morons? There are a ton of different religious traditions out there, and different cultures worship Me in different ways. But the basic message is always the same: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Shintoism... every religious belief system under the sun, they all say you're supposed to love your neighbors, folks! It's not that hard a concept to grasp."

"Why would you think I'd want anything else? Humans don't need religion or God as an excuse to kill each other—you've been doing that without any help from Me since you were freaking apes!" God said. "The whole point of believing in God is to have a higher standard of behavior. How obvious can you get?"

"I'm talking to all of you, here!" continued God, His voice rising to a shout. "Do you hear Me? I don't want you to kill anybody. I'm against it, across the board. How many times do I have to say it? Don't kill each other anymore—ever! I'm ****ing serious!"

Upon completing His outburst, God fell silent, standing quietly at the podium for several moments. Then, witnesses reported, God's shoulders began to shake, and He wept.

Edited by scyhigh99
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  Lerkot said:
  JamesUK said:
  Lerkot said:
The world is punished and awakened by stuff like this. Bombs in London, bombs in every town is great

Thats one of the most disrespectful things i eva heard, how do you think the families of victims would react to comments like that

As I said, I meant bombs in a more untouchable aspect.. like not bombs exactly, but the effects of bombs greatness in awakening people. And it was as well disrespectful not quoting the "as long as it doesnt hurt anyone in any way"-part, since the thing you quoted making me some kind of monster. And you gotta see through the explosive part to see what I meant. Of course I could hav expressed myself better - I just imagined people would be wise enough to understand it abstract metaphors...

Sorry if we misinterpreted you, I thought we might have. I guess you were just saying that bombs can awaken people to certain realities of life, but the way you worded it, it seemed like you were condoning literal bombings. And even if some positive things do come out of negative things, bombings are obviously still a negative thing, I think you'd agree... Ok, that was akwardly worded, but I think it made sense lol...

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The ending of that was really touching... altho...there were inclusive parts of this that I disagree with as it conflicts with my own spiritual beliefs. I didn't want to go into it, because of conflicting beliefs and opinions on the board...

but since you posted this,...I did want to emphasize from an earlier post, that everybody does NOT worship the same God. God is love, not evil. So if anyone is claiming to take lives of innocent ppl in the name of GOD...then we should understand that they dont serve the same God of Love that we do, but some other negative force that is driving them (insane and) to these acts of unkindness...

Many religions place an emphasis on the trueness of their teachings, and it can place barriers, (like fences) as seperating the 'religious' fanatics out there... but push come and shove,... there is one and ONLY God that loves all of us, regardless of skin colour, etc... A God that wants us to unite as a people, and put aside all of those religious 'titles'...and pray for our enemies (these bombers, terrorists and countless others) that are just carrying out their evilness to destroy our faith and belief in God, and keep us divided as children of God by religious titles.

People will be critical of God in these instances, and say Why would God do this to innocent people? God didn't do it, the people did. People that DONT serve him. God loves us enough to give us choices in life, to follow and believe in him and spread the light and greatness of his love, as well, the choice to remain in the darkness. These ppl have no desire to really know God...

We honestly have to pray for terrorists, bombers, and all ppl that dont have a true understanding, because they are so lost in the world, the only way 4 them to make a change in their behaviour or EVIL acts, is to be taught,. Some have the wrong ppl guiding or brainwashing them and feeding them the wrong 'food'. The word of God, once we consume it, is considered 'meat' for our souls. Until those ppl are willing to consume the trueness of God, there will always be unfortunate situations when ppl 'choose' to cause destruction and confusion...

just as they are lost and confused... These are the ppl that really need our prayers...

Sorry bout the long post. It may seem that I'm rambling like some religious fanatic,...however, I would never force my views on another,...simply share my personal insights ...



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  Lerkot said:
  Bracesup said:
It's sad that all this is happening only due to religious differences. So many horrific violent incidents have occurred only in the name of religion. How sad God would be that this much destruction has occured just to, in a sick twisted way, please him.

You're wrong, I think. Its hate, not religion, that have caused this.

Yeah man. This hatred rises mostly on the basis of religious grounds. There are so many psychopaths out there who wants to hurt other people and are crazy enough to justify it on God.

I really liked the article Scy posted. Because it's so true, and I can really see God feeling that way.

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