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hey guys,on fpob actors like alfonso ribeiro(on dancing) or tatyana ali(singing)have expressed his abilities,but Will never made reference to his rap or to jjfp.would be great that in a chapter rapping or something like dis.only i remember in first episode Will teaching to ashley to do a rap thing but only a few seconds.
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Ok, others have exposed their talents on the show. Where R they now? Not doin 2 much. Tatyana looked like she started ok. Will probably performed after shows or somethin. There were references to his rapping.

1. Uncle Phil's comment... "Vivian, u'd believe that boy if he told u he became an artist who's album just went platnium."
2. Will teaches Ashley 2 rap
3. Uncle Phil sayin "Sometimes Parents Just don't understand"

I'm sure there's a few more. But honestly, I think he wanted to focus mainly on his acting. Besides, everybody already knew his talent. He had enuff of the spotlight as a rap artist. So he, i guess, rightly shared it wit these he performed on FPOBA wit.
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on one of the first episodes they play "girls aint nothin but trouble" when carlton and Will are both after the same girl to take to a halloween party. Its also the rare version with different lyrics to the album version.

And lets not forget the credits were Will is rapping, thats every show with Will rapping lol. there are a couple of other times were Will raps or beatboxes, i think they probably showed more of Wills skills than the rest of the casts.

lol i remmember that one were Will and carlton were singing to ashley , Will had that dog puppet lol, that was great. haha and carlton kept talking to his cat puppet, sorry had a bit of a flashback to it, made me laugh.
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There was also an episode when Will was reading his stars and they said he would become a sucsessfull rapper with his own TV show. And Will said "I wonder what I'd call it" (the TV show)

And of course there was Jeff in many episodes................thinking about it Will made LOADS of references to him being a rapper in FPOBA. Didn't he also do the dumb dance a few times?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes he did. He did it at Ashley's party, 4 Geoffrey when he'd got out wit Helen (Tyra Banks)-man she's Fine!, when Jazz played the drums, numerous times.

Jeff showed his when he'd scratch up Mr.Banks record player during "Tea Time".

'Sorry Phil, no oboes coming next' ha ha!
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  • 4 weeks later...
Will never rapped on the TV show on purpose. I read an interview awhile ago where he talked about never using his success in music as a crutch 4 his acting. It waz probably one of the smartest things he ever did. If he waz rapping on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, he would have gotten stuck in a career circle where the only acting he would have done would have been related 2 rap or hood flicks (like Silkk The Shocker, Ja-Rule and lots of others. Will has paved the way 4 other hard working emcees like L.L. Cool J, Queen Latifah, 2Pac, and DMX 2 break out of that circle where they would only be looked at as rappers who act and be respected as actors in general. Most rappers use their music as their only way of getting in2 acting and that's why their "acting careers" are a joke. Will waz smart and kept his rapping and acting seperate. After he waz respected as an actor, he know it waz safe 2 record a song like "Men In Black."

I do think the references 2 his music career were funny but it waz very smart of him not 2 rap on the show. Look at him now, he's one of the biggest megastars in the world now!! Edited by JumpinJack AJ
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[quote=JumpinJack AJ,Jul 28 2004, 03:22 AM]Will never rapped on the TV show[/quote]
Are you sure.

I seem to rememebr a cetain title song that played everytime the show started.

It went something like..............

[i]West Philadelphia born and raised.............[/i]

But I could be wrong. :music:
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[quote=JumpinJack AJ,Jul 27 2004, 09:22 PM]I do think the references 2 his music career were funny but it waz very smart of him not 2 rap on the show. Look at him now, he's one of the biggest megastars in the world now!![/quote]
Yeah look at him now, his rap image has been almost destroy thanks to Columbia and everyone nowadays thinks hes a actor first and just raps on the side.
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will never rapped on fpoba because when he started the show he wanted to be taken seriously as an actor..not a rapper doin a tv show.. they had 2 convince will 2 do the opening credits and thats all he really did.. he really wanted to seperate the 2 careers
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[quote=DevilsJim89,Jul 28 2004, 08:53 PM]Yeah look at him now, his rap image has been almost destroyed[/quote]
Well, Columbia promoted him as a certain kinda artist...but Will also played along. FP himself had the choice 2 concentrate that much on movies and not so much on music. U can't blame Columbia totally cuz alot of it waz up 2 Will. He's the one who choose not 2 do so many music videos, performances, and tours. Columbia had control over the singles and packaging, but FP could have done alot of things he didn't do. I guess he didn't think certain things were that imporant. Also, as an artist, when a label is stressing u, it makes u not want 2 create as much.

Will's involvement in movies made him a mega star and got him secure financially and as an entertainer. Who knows, without the movies, Big Willie Style may have no been as big as it waz. This kinda stuff goes both ways.
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