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I tried all my life to be the best, even if I was only a lyricist

Because I knew in the long run no other MC could be as real as this

Even at times I was broke but I was only learning the trade

I promised myself I would blow up harder than a grenade

Had to keep cool even if that meant that I had to watch my lip

Kept myself under control even though at times I wanted to flip

So with that said and life kept driving by so slowly, did it with ease

Had to concentrate on verbal debates so I could get my cheese

Some other MC’s keep saying that money isn’t the first priority

I haven’t changed since school, Still a problem to authority

This is coming from a kid who in gym always got picked last

Skipped class but never hesitated to whoop someone’s ass

Don’t look at me like you are in complete shock, In the block

Life was ticking by as all I did was stare at the clock

I was doing nothing and with that motivation had to do something

Walking around hustling but I always knew that I was just frontin

See I’m being truthful so how many MC’s can really do that?

Put some boot polish on my face I’m now ready for combat

I didn’t pay attention to trends, I said forget the clothes

The doors had to close my lyrics I needed to compose

But there’s no more reasoning, don’t even need to say names

Play games but keep my head up and set things in flames

A wise man once told me theres two stories in life

A good and a bad that only occurs if you can find a wife

But since I’m steadily trying to find the perfect girl

I’m not like Luda I havent been across the whole world

I’ve never pimped, but I have done a bit of selling the drugs

Growing up my role models were no other than street thugs

Taught me what I need to know and kept it on the track

Don’t care about dollars or even them platinum plaques

Tried to think straight about all the places I had driven

Even to all the presents to the girls that I had given

See I don’t only like rap, there is another side to me

I’ve had one accomplishment that I need to garuentee

That is that I was born into this world by the loveliest lady

At times she knew I was a bit crazy, I was her baby

But now I’m all grown up don’t things change so quick?

I know at times you could of hated me. Strange is so sick

But I promise to you now that I love what you done for me

She taught me theres more things to life than currency

If I had a chance to start from scratch I would do it

I would of changed my life and I would have been legit

Even though I was chillin’ livin’ life on the street

I learnt how to breeze so easy over these beats

Drinking so much booze at times I lost my focus

Smoking a bit of green I knew that I felt hopeless

I tried to be happy for me, So I lit these three candels

Rap isn’t what it was meant to be, there’s too many scandals

But in the long run I thank god because I know I’ve been blessed

All these long nights I needed to get things of my chest

Sometimes I don’t want to drive so I would just walk

Stop in some high streets just for some people to talk

Look at me there’s different sides but yet you don’t see it

I’ve had enough of this life, I wish I could just split

Had no girl no money and worst of all I didn’t even work

Look at all my homies making money, I felt like a jerk

I felt useless but even at times I wanted to say these lines

Check it back and realise ask yourself? How real is my rhymes…

What ya'll think :2thumbs: :chuks:

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