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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum



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Dear JJ+FP,

First off I want to say that all 5 JJFP albums are excellent and all 4 solo albums are excellent as well. I really enjoy the albums. I like how they are positive but they are also cool. I really would like it if you could do another song like "so fresh" or even a whole album with all the old school rappers but with all new songs. (example do a song featuring kid 'n play and then the next track features the beastie boys or something like that, have each track be totally different) Also if you guys could come up with some anthology box set (have a box set with the CDs and a DVD of live performances and such) that would be the best.

I'll be looking forward to future projects from both JJ and FP

-Alan A. A. (Sonic 1988)

New York City

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To Will and Jeff,

I'd to take this oppurtunity to thank you guys for all the great music you've made. Your music got me into hip hop and ive never looked back since. You deserve so much more respect than what you get for what you have done for hip hop.

Will, i'd like to thank you very much for being an inspiration to me, im chasing my shadow dream and what you say about working hard gives me the strength to carry on. I also want to thank you for coming to manchester UK in Feburary, i got to see you there and it was the highlight of my year.

Jeff, thank you for coming to Liverpool, i got to see you in barfly and you truley are the master of the wheels. Please come back again because i would love to experiance that again, and bring Will to i can see JJFP together lol. And like everyone else said, please we want another JJFP album!

Julie Podmore, UK.

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Dear JJFP,

I like ur albums, they're are so cool!, they're inspirational, from Peru I give u all my respect 'cause u boys got the skills and everything to be sucessful, after this there's one thing to say left...KEEP IT REAL!!

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JJ: Hey I still laugh alot when you keep getting thrown out of Uncle Phil's house, even funnier when Will done it, What's going on with a JJFP album, come on man, ya know we miss ya scratches.

Will: Sup Will, Like to see that you keeping it real as you always do, your new album "Lost And Found" Is dope, love Party Starter, will there be a remix to such a song with Luda? sorry had to ask. Get together with Jeff and do a tour or somethin, Peace

Joe Lynch

Near London, England

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I've been a fan for a long time, no matter what you do I'm always in full support of it. Jeff you are by far the best DJ who ever walked the earth in my opinion. Great job on the magnificent by the way. Will I've learned so much from your music, I always figured if anyone understood my style of music it would be you. You are a great role model for everyone, keep holding it down Will.


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