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Favourite Fresh Prince of Bel~Aire Episode

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Here's my favorite.

I really like the first episode when Will first moves in.

The one inwhich Will and Jazz stop being friends.

The one with D.L. Hugley

The one when Will takes a bullet for Carlton. "I was just tryin' to get out of the way." lol

and my favorite, the one where Will Dad comes back.

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there's too many episodes to love...

however, I ESPECIALLY love the episode, "Boyz in the Woods"...

so many good lines in that one. great sentimental moments and great comedic moments...

(Uncle Phil, Will, and Carlton get out of the car to find that all their equipment is no longer attached to the top of the car)

Carlton: "Our stuff is gone!"

Uncle Phil: "Will, I told you to strap everything securely to the top of the car!"

Will: "I did!-- d'oh, this ain't the Volvo!"

(upon finding the money)

Will: "I'm sleeping with the presidents... now I how Marilyn Monroe feels!"

Carlton: "For a long time, it gave me nightmares. Having to witness an injustice like that. I--It was a constant reminder of how cruel this world could be! I could still hear them taunting him... 'Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.'..... Why couldn't they just give him some cereal?"

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

i know this may be a 'tad' bit unrelated, but my sons will not take their arzes to bed until they at least watch Fresh Prince of Bel Aire thats just coming on tv as I type this. Im sitting here, singing along with the FPOBA theme on tv, while I'm browsing the JJFP site, and then like...... Hey wait a minute! Those jokers are still UP watching Will on tv!!!


ok, thats it.. lol



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lol, thats crazy Cookie. How many kids do u have? U look soo young..

Oh, and about the topic, my fave episode is in the fifth season, the one Will plays Bowling with Lisa.

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you may not get the 'age thing right now... is a very long on going thing with me on the board,.. next birthday I will be 19 again, same with the year after, and year after, so i AM abit young. lol... The 2 small sons im talkin bout here are 11 and 13 ,.. I have one son soon to graduate High School in 2 years, yaaaah!!! lol a 18 year old daughter on the East Coast, in college ... so its hard 2 understand how im 19 and she is 18 .. tho, im between Jeff & Will 'agewise'... u will get my age thing sooner or later. lol :thumbsup:



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I have two favorite episodes.

My first one is from season one (dont know the name). It's the one where Will and Carlton get arrested for driving someone's car to their mansion cause they took a helicopter. I love how the other person in jail with them sings Let My People Go

My other favorite episode is from season four. It's the one where Will's father came back. The ending of the episode was very dramatic. It showed how good of an actor Will Smith is. He's great in comedy as well as drama. I think he really showed true emotion in this episode.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love the episode where Will starts playing Basketball for the school and absolutely dominates, and does all the ridiculous trick shots. Then Carlton tries to be the hero but misses. Theres also the Air Fresh commercial with Isiah Thomas in it. The shot from the tip off was hilarious :lol:

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Hahahahaha, I remember that so well. Jeff was so classic in Fresh Prince, when he appeared he was my favourite to watch on screen, some classic lines on there. If we're talking about good episodes, I thought the one in the first season where Will says he is a poet and Geoffrey says that poem at the poem night is pretty good. And Jazz is like, "Lets go get some barbeque and get bizzy." Works everytime :thumbsup:

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