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Some of the black actors is blaming Will that......


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First of all I want you to know that S. L. Jackson supports Will as an actor.


Shortly, he said that there is many actors which are studying from ages & they did many renunciation to can learn more, but they don't get a chance to act in movie cause there is many artificially created actors (read rappers). He don't support rappers like Diddy or Ice Cube, only Will!

Now back into main topic:


Black actors still are discriminated (25 July 2002)

Chris Rock said:

"Situation of black actors has been corrected considerably & we were begin appreciate for our fineness. But it will be better if we would have the same chance as white actors"

His dream hasn't been granded. He wanted to play a Spiderman:

"I wish I had a chance to being interviewed to this film, but I hadn't. Im dreaming to act Spiderman, but my dreaming probably will never grant. Instead of me, Will S. will be a Spiderman."


/Hard life of black actor/ (7 January 2004)

Cuba Gooding Jr. critized producers which don't give the same chance to act in movies black & white actors.

He also affirms that good roles are automatically suggested to Will.

"I will never forget when Will Smith resigned from a Tv & he did his first cinema movie. Nobody noticed him, but later he did a "Independance Day", he earned a lot of money & he has become one black man in the show-business. Producers don't think, 'lets give this role a black actor', but they are treating Will like a person which will attract people for cinema. Even today, when Im talking with my agent about topping roles, He says me, that all will get Will".

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Well it`s true that Will is one of the firts you think of when you need an Black Actor. At least in his age. Yeah Chris Rock and stuf but they aren`t realy on the same level. Now I can`t see why S. L. Jackson only supports him. Whats wrong with Ice Cube acting? He made some cool stuff and as far as i know he had major movies before Will had them (Anaconda). He`s just totaly difrent from Will.

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I wonder why Chris Rock'd diss Will?!!! :thumbdown: Now Samuel L. Jackson did a movie with Ice Cube last summer so that must not be recent he said that :bat: I only really like Cuba Gooding Jr. in like a couple movies, there's a reason why he don't get major roles...

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  Turntable said:
Well it`s true that Will is one of the firts you think of when you need an Black Actor. At least in his age. Yeah Chris Rock and stuf but they aren`t realy on the same level. Now I can`t see why S. L. Jackson only supports him. Whats wrong with Ice Cube acting? He made some cool stuff and as far as i know he had major movies before Will had them (Anaconda). He`s just totaly difrent from Will.

They aren't on the same level with Will? I don't know about Chris I watched maybe one movie with him.

But Cuba is a good actor, I like him. It can be seen that he is trying to do a good one in movie.

Why he don;t like Ice Cube etc.?

"there is many actors which are studying from ages & they did many renunciation to can learn more, but they don't get a chance to act in movie cause there is many artificially created actors (read rappers). "

And Samuel said that, why he did a movie with Ice Cube? Maybe he don't have any choice?

He said that in 25 July 2002, so it's preety old

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He also did a Movie with LL, right?

@ Damian:

Yes I get that. But than he should blame Will too. Ice Cube is a good actor.

And waht depends the other black ones.. Well let`s say. Ofcourse 5there are allot of good one`s. But Will can seel more than anyone on his age. It`s all about the benjamins..

@ Bigted:

Don`t see that as a Diss. It`s Chris Rock. Just his humor. You actualy could see it as giving Will probs. It`s probably true that if we ever will see an black Spiderman, its gonna be Will. Will is most of the time the first choice. That basicly all Chris is saying..

Edited by Turntable
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  Turntable said:
He also did a Movie with LL, right?

@ Damian:

Yes I get that. But than he should blame Will too. Ice Cube is a good actor.

And waht depends the other black ones.. Well let`s say. Ofcourse 5there are allot of good one`s. But Will can seel more than anyone on his age. It`s all about the benjamins..

I know it's all about the pentiums.... uh, sorry I mean benjamins. I can't say anything about Ice Cube acting cause I didn't see any of his movies. Maybe he gives Will props cause he saw that Will acting is someting more serious then others. & Will career as actor started almost the same time with hiphop career.

I can agree with S.L.J.

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  Damian said:
  Turntable said:

He also did a Movie with LL, right?

@ Damian:

Yes I get that. But than he should blame Will too. Ice Cube is a good actor.

And waht depends the other black ones.. Well let`s say. Ofcourse 5there are allot of good one`s. But Will can seel more than anyone on his age. It`s all about the benjamins..

Maybe he gives Will props cause he saw that Will acting is someting more serious then others. & Will career as actor started almost the same time with hiphop career.

Same for Ice Cube.lol

You should check out Ice Cube`s "All About The Benajmins". Cool Movie.

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I don't think it really was a diss by Chris Rock. he just realizes that his SKINNY lil tail cant fill out the Spiderman suite like Will ever could. LOL. :rofl:

These actors have to realize, that Will has that 'appeal' that people wanna see. to me its a matter of a combination of things, His talent and ability to deliver that the producers know they will get, AND his marketability...

they just runnin their mouths. LOL tryna get some level of recognition, and using Will as some comparison, but their skills and level of success as a result, are unequivCABLE . WHATS THAT WORD u use AJ?

un~equi~vi~ca~ sumpthin. LMAO.



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Ice Cube's 1st movie "Boyz In The Hood" came out in 1990, which is actually Ice Cube's best movie to date, they honored that at Hip-Hop Honors in VH1 a couple months ago....

Yeah what Chris Rock said wasn't really a diss, it's more of a joke, he likes hip-hop but he don't want them to take his check I guess, lol, I'm sure he got no beef with Will 'cause he did a cameo on FPOBA....

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  Jazzy Julie said:
they need to quit complaining and work on thier acting skills.

I don't know about Chris but for sure Cuba have skillz, maybe he is even better then Will (it speak out argumentative for this board, please don't eat me:)).

Some of you don't feel what Cuba & Chris said. They don't dissing Will, but they can't stand that some of producers only choosing Will cause they want to earn a lot of money. When people see surname Smith on the poster..... bigger audience will come. So it's not about skillz withCuba case. They don't have any chance to act in good movies cause Will is only one black man in Hoolywood. But me & Turntable recapitulationed it, it's all about benjamins (hey Turnable, first I thought that you mean a Puff Daddy song, cause he did one with that title:)).

  ash trey said:
I love Chris Rock but he is more of a comedian than areal actor.

Comedian actors have really f***up. Comedian actors isn't an anctor, then who he is? In Poland people only conecting Will with comedian roles, so he isn't an actor:( I don't know who, but really famous actor said that he don't like nominating to oscar, cause comedian actors haven't equal chances.


Quick translation:

Will said that after "Ali" he wanted to act only in seroius movies, He wanted to be an drama actor. But he talked with Mandela. MR Mandela said that when he was 27 years in prison he felt REALLY good if he had an oportunitty to watch a comedy. As an prisoner he had this chance only by 6 months. After that Will noticed that comedy roles are very imortant.

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Chris Rock is definately more of a comedian than an actor, I can't really think of a movie where he's done a serious role, that's why people won't ask him to do serious roles, they'll ask him to do comedies 'cause that's what he's best at.... You could say that there's quite a few black actors with just as much talent as Will but they don't appeal to a large commercial audience the way Will does, it ain't Will's fault, it's just the way the industry is, it's harder for a black actor to get in the game, Will wasn't at the top right away either, he had to work hard to get there....

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