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Jazzy Jeff/Fresh Prince/Ready Rock Drawing


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I wouldn't enter into a competition...

but its a beautiful thing seeing ppl drawing and expresing their interpretation of what "they" see. Its good to give constructive criticism, but sometimes we need to think abt what we say..cuz it can be hurtful, and I wouldnt wanna see anyone lose their interest, because they may feel its not good. , because it is just as good as my or anyone's art, just their individual perspective....


I think you did a pretty good job there, buddy! :2thumbs: Practice makes perfect, and I love it when ppl critique my work, because it makes it easier for me to see my mistakes. Pencil drawings,...I'm not very fond of, because it takes alot of blending to get it the way you want.

What I learned to use last year, is a blending tool. Its shaped like a pencil but made of a soft white material. Get one of those and practice with it, and you will see a HUGE differenct in your blending almost immediately. You'll probably amaze yourself. Working on your perspective will take time, but what helps me out is to sketch it lightly,...and stand back from the work and 'squint' my eyes while I hold the pic in comparison, then I can see my mistakes better... just go easy on the pencils, and there's a selection of pencils u can use... "H" pencils are for harder lines, like eyes, etc... and "B" pencils are very soft, and very good with darker detail and shadowing. H pencils can be sketchy when you use it over faces, etc... so try to go with a softer lead. If you need some, let me know, Ill be more than honoured to hook u up with a starter set... :2thumbs:

Keep it up, and just remember that you WILL get better with each piece of ART..

Great job ! :2thumbs:



Edited by 3cookies
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Hey Cookies, I thought B were dark and H were light? Maybe I used to use them wrong? :lol:

oh heck. Now I'm confused. lol. I dont draw with pencils too much, I just know that i like the texture of the softer leaded pencil. haha. whichever one that is... :lolsign:

abt the contest..

i agree with you Bart. i think instead of having a 'contest' , everyone who likes to draw, ... should just draw and share their work with us, that is always interesting. I'm an artist, so I love to see ppls creativity...

Timboat, you did a really great pic in pastels of Will a coupla years back,,... that was in your sketchbook, I think it was either with a red cap or red throwback... can u share that with us...i know I got it saved on disc somewhere, but I really loved how u captured Wil's essence in that pic, and it looked rich with the colour,...can u share that with us again???? :2thumbs:



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hey who cares abot the technicals of this drawing

I was only trying to be helpful, geez :worried:

:kekeke: No its cool. I need constructive critisim to get better. You gave me some good tips that helped my drawing Prince. You showed me a lot of things I didn't notice, like JJ's baseball hat. Thanks for the help :2thumbs:

Hey Cookies, I thought B were dark and H were light? Maybe I used to use them wrong? :lol:

oh heck. Now I'm confused. lol. I dont draw with pencils too much, I just know that i like the texture of the softer leaded pencil. haha. whichever one that is... :lolsign:

abt the contest..

i agree with you Bart. i think instead of having a 'contest' , everyone who likes to draw, ... should just draw and share their work with us, that is always interesting. I'm an artist, so I love to see ppls creativity...

Timboat, you did a really great pic in pastels of Will a coupla years back,,... that was in your sketchbook, I think it was either with a red cap or red throwback... can u share that with us...i know I got it saved on disc somewhere, but I really loved how u captured Wil's essence in that pic, and it looked rich with the colour,...can u share that with us again???? :2thumbs:



:word: I agree. Anyone that likes to draw, should just draw for the fun of it, and share it with everyone here. If we had a contest, it wouldn't be that fun because everyone would just want to go for a prize. I too, love seeing other people's creative art work. Its all a learning process.

I really appreciate all the nice compliments. Thanks!! All of you inspire me to get better too.

Edited by bart5
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i didnt realise pencils were so complicated lol. i think the main problem with my drawings is, i can only really do them in pencil. i quit art class when i was 14 coz i wanted to do music instead, so i never really learnt about pastles and stuff.

Maybe cookies should give us all an art class lol.

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