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R.Kelly's dissed by his brother


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I found this on SOHH.com:

R.Kelly’s brother, Kerry, has created a DVD that makes some extremely volatile allegations against the R&B singer. On the DVD Kerry says that Kelz is in fact the man who appears on the infamous sex tape which features an underage girl. Kerry claims that R.Kelly was so proud of his taped escapade that he held a screening for it on his tour bus! According to Kerry, R.Kelly offered him $50,000 in cash and a record deal to lie to police officials and say that he was the man on the tape. What good is a record deal for your debut album going to do if you are sitting behind bars?

During the remaining duration of the DVD Kerry makes several other explosive accusations including R.Kelly is both physically and emotionally abusive to his wife, has had more than a few relationships with underage girls, and even molested his own niece.

But the ultimate bombshell is dropped when Kerry makes the statement that R.Kelly is bisexual. According to Kerry, the success for R.Kelly’s latest hit "Trapped In The Closet" can be attributed to the abundant gay relationships he has had in the past. Chicago police are reportedly pursuing Kerry to question him about the many allegations that the DVD makes.

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Well, we all know he had sex with underaged girls. But I dont know how old they wher, caus in the USA Girls are still "undre age" when they arent anymore here.. And The girl also probaly was a groupie who realy wanted to **** him, so I dont realy care about that.. But thats and old discusion.

And about Kells beeing bi-sexual. And what if he is? Like that matters anything.

But whats up with this brother.. Some jalousy going on he?

Edited by Turntable
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I knew there was player haterz in this world but coming from ur own family takes it to another level, it's not like Janet Jackson said "My brother is 100% guilty...." ofcourse u wouldn't tell on ur own family, no one wants hurt in there family so why bring it...

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Wow, that's a real big sucker move. I don't care how bad their relationship is...that DVD is just wrong. R. Kelly might have his own issues, or at least had them. But his brother isn't any better for this. I have a feeling alot of it is made up.

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If he has done those things, he should be locked up.

Doesn't matter how it gets revealed, jealous brother or whatever.

The "funny" thing is that the article claims this:

- Kelly is a child molester

- Kelly is abusive against his wife

- He has had sex with alot of udneraged girls

- He tries to pay off people to take the blame for what he did.

BUT, the "real" bombshell is that he se Bi-sexual?


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