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Religion = bluff, christanity = power & money


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Its kind of controversial, and to some a bit strange

But its time to talk about somethin that is about to change

Its time to talk about religion, the biggest bluff in history

Billions of people believe in God, but uhuh, not me

Why? Well, because I know better than that!

When people read the bible, I read fact

I mean, come on, just because somethin is unknown

doesnt mean that God made it from his golden throne

Less and less people believe in christianity

and join us who are living in reality

The church have always been about money and power

and the worst massmurder ever is Ioannes Paulus II

The bible is the reason for so much hate

Back then, you couldn't even be alive if you were gay

Today, you still have to fight for your life

Heh, yeah, religion is real nice...

Every day it becomes harder to find a religous man

cus we learn more, and fact and religion dont go hand in hand

Sure, USA spends a lot of money on research

and still got a whole lot of well-filled churches

but thats cus of somethin else than lack of knowledge

its cus of somethin with a much sharper edge;

the country is defintely afraid of developement

big parts still believe in things with no sense

Bush, religion, war, australian Irak, racism

Why thank God, when you perform well?

I mean, you train hard all day and thank someone else

And why pray to God when you need help?

I mean, nine times out of ten you should do it yourself

And the other times, its a doctor or such

and what really really suck, you think it was God

so the guy doesnt get any credit at all

Some people say Im not open minded

but those people have truly been blinded

I mean, I wont hurt people who believe in God

but not long ago they would hurt me hard


Religion has no future, its like slavery

1865 slavery ended in the USA

About 95% of the people believe in God

1834 slavery ended in the United Kingdom

About 65% of the people believe in God

1335 slavery ended in Sweden

About 4% of the people believe in God

What has this to do with anything?

Its about facts

People learnt that you CANT force people to think in a certain way. People learnt that you CANT own other people. Or at least that you shouldn't. People learnt to build up a mind from scratch, people learnt that everyone got the same value and should have the same right. People learnt that you can do stuff, you can make a change, God doesnt decide how the world is going to change or what we will know in the future, he doesnt even have a place there; we,the world and universe decides what we will know in the future. A not so wild guess; majority of the world will think like I do a day that probably will come soon. But I aint going to force anyone.

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Look. Yall gonna hafta stop all the name calling on the board and just dissin ppl for no reason...or imma request that Timboat keep banning u for longer periods than just a few day. Just because u dont something somebody's post, doesnt give u tha right to start mess on tha board....

thas about as immature as i dont know what...so cut it out... on the top right corner of your screen is a link called "my controls".. you have two choices, either click that and shoot them a private message, or clik on their username...



Edited by 3cookies
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  WesSyde said:
it was a song written from the heart, however i dont agree with a single word of it.

lerkot, what in the hell were you thinking when you wrote that, reality is that there is a god in heavan that loves EVERYONE, for that in my opinion you should be banned. have you ever been to one church scervise. all i have to say if you really ment what you said in that song, then i already know your going to hell. thats all i have to say about you

Edited by the_bigmac
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chill the **** out man. im gonna request that u be banned for **** like that. the REALITY is that people have a CHOICE on whether they believe in religion or not and lerkot didnt come in here and ATTACK people for not agreeing with his opinions like u just did to him. if u dont agree with him all u gotta say is u didn't agree with it like i did. i agree with u i am religious and have been to church but ur obviously a 12 year old who needs to MATURE a little bit b4 u come postin on this board. damn. ever heard of freedom of speech and expression?

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  WesSyde said:
it was a song written from the heart, however i dont agree with a single word of it.

I dont agree with a single word of it either Wes, im with u on that.... so I didnt even wanna touch bases on it, because I know theres a God... all that other negative energy, is not called for ...



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  WesSyde said:
chill the **** out man. im gonna request that u be banned for **** like that. the REALITY is that people have a CHOICE on whether they believe in religion or not and lerkot didnt come in here and ATTACK people for not agreeing with his opinions like u just did to him. if u dont agree with him all u gotta say is u didn't agree with it like i did. i agree with u i am religious and have been to church but ur obviously a 12 year old who needs to MATURE a little bit b4 u come postin on this board. damn. ever heard of freedom of speech and expression?

damnit, youm & he needs to be mature, i dont care if hes not a christian, its that he attacked my religeon like that

  sonic1988 said:
I appericiate you Wes and Cookies because you did it the way Jesus did it.

Turning the other cheek.

yes but, in the bible it says that when jesus comes back he will be a waring god,

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Yeah.. ive just read the posts on the second page, a wild guess it that there's way too much to answer on the first one.. but I'm gonna check that out later.

renagade... Love you man.

andreik: No, never talk about religion and politics.. because thats not allowed... in Soviet.

Julie.. thats quite on point. I wasnt trying to annoy people but I do want people to discuss about this subject. I'm going to make more rhymes like this, you know, and hopefully people will discuss it later. If you want to change the world... you have to get people to speak.. you know.

I think Tim got the right view of it when it comes to if it was right or not right to post the rhyme.. People can agree or disagree but no-one should try to stop me from saying what I think.

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