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Hahahaha MaxFly you cretin. You missed out on over 2.5 million from me, but waited until I only had 300,000, stole it, but then allowed me to steal over 500,000 from you a second later. Cheers, dude.

Well... the 1.2 million I stole from Chief is enough for me.

Cool, no worries then dude :2thumbs:

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Really? I'm missing 4? Why don't you try again.

Today, 12:35 PM Sabotage Success

Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 3 spies to attempt to sabotage 1 of thePrince's weapons of type War Hammer.

Your spies sucessfully enter thePrince's armory undetected, and destroy 1 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

Today, 12:35 PM Sabotage Success

Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 3 spies to attempt to sabotage 1 of thePrince's weapons of type War Hammer.

Your spies sucessfully enter thePrince's armory undetected, and destroy 1 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

Today, 12:38 PM Sabotage Success

Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 3 spies to attempt to sabotage 1 of thePrince's weapons of type War Hammer.

Your spies sucessfully enter thePrince's armory undetected, and destroy 1 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

Today, 12:40 PM Sabotage Success

Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 3 spies to attempt to sabotage 1 of thePrince's weapons of type War Hammer.

Your spies sucessfully enter thePrince's armory undetected, and destroy 1 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

I lost a few spies in a couple of failed missions... but hey, it's the price of doing business.


Why did you reset?

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Why did you reset?

Because I've seen how things are going to be, MaxFly. I've seen how you operate.

This scenario must be perfect for you and your club. The changes to the game mean that the strongest players get more money. The reset means that you can develop together, and debilitate others from the very beginning.

Having more money per soldier directly benefits the stronger players, and allows you to progress faster. Allowing transferring of money and items just encourages clique behaviour, of which we have seen much of from your club in the recent days.

I don't agree with resetting the game, because I know how things are going to be. We all know how this next game will turn out, as do you and your club. All that resetting this game will allow you to do is to gather your alliance together from the very beginning, and operate and grow as a unit, to protect one another, and develop rapidly as a group. In the process, you'll be able to prevent other players from becoming stronger, therefore preventing people such as Chief and myself having any position of real significance.

Fairer after the reset? Hardly. I've seen how all of you reacted to me attacking Julie. If you were incapable of letting it go in this game, there is no reason for you to let it go in the next game. With your clique around you, ganging up on people and swapping money and weapons amongst yourselves, there's no way I would have a chance. You all talked about killing me and sh*t, and talking in an irate and threatening way. Sure I can take a joke, but there is a line, and you overstepped it. I've got enough to worry about at the moment, I don't need this.

Yes, I reset. And as long as people like you continue to make and break allegiances, and to have alliances, I won't be partaking again.

I sold everything I had and put it into my strike bonus. I defeated each and every one of you "alliance" clowns. Thus I had no defence, no sentries, no spies. I knew this, I didn't care, because it didn't matter. So for you to be able to destroy 5 of my War Hammers, then brag on the forum about it - what does that prove about you?

Have you not considered that you spend far too much time and effort on this game, and maybe just maybe might be taking it too seriously?

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Why did you reset?

Because I've seen how things are going to be, MaxFly. I've seen how you operate.

This scenario must be perfect for you and your club. The changes to the game mean that the strongest players get more money. The reset means that you can develop together, and debilitate others from the very beginning.

Having more money per soldier directly benefits the stronger players, and allows you to progress faster. Allowing transferring of money and items just encourages clique behaviour, of which we have seen much of from your club in the recent days.

I don't agree with resetting the game, because I know how things are going to be. We all know how this next game will turn out, as do you and your club. All that resetting this game will allow you to do is to gather your alliance together from the very beginning, and operate and grow as a unit, to protect one another, and develop rapidly as a group. In the process, you'll be able to prevent other players from becoming stronger, therefore preventing people such as Chief and myself having any position of real significance.

Fairer after the reset? Hardly. I've seen how all of you reacted to me attacking Julie. If you were incapable of letting it go in this game, there is no reason for you to let it go in the next game. With your clique around you, ganging up on people and swapping money and weapons amongst yourselves, there's no way I would have a chance. You all talked about killing me and sh*t, and talking in an irate and threatening way. Sure I can take a joke, but there is a line, and you overstepped it. I've got enough to worry about at the moment, I don't need this.

Yes, I reset. And as long as people like you continue to make and break allegiances, and to have alliances, I won't be partaking again.

I sold everything I had and put it into my strike bonus. I defeated each and every one of you "alliance" clowns. Thus I had no defence, no sentries, no spies. I knew this, I didn't care, because it didn't matter. So for you to be able to destroy 5 of my War Hammers, then brag on the forum about it - what does that prove about you?

Have you not considered that you spend far too much time and effort on this game, and maybe just maybe might be taking it too seriously?

Lol, why the diatribe?

Prince, it's a game, and there won't be an alliance upon the initial reset. Take for instance the fact that the Vigilantes from the guildmaster game consisted of Chief, Tim, me, and a few other players... Now take note that we went against Chief this time. The Schnazzy Peppers had Schnazz, Julie, and Wes, but Tim and I were aligned with those three this time around. Even more interesting, Tim and I were the founding members of the guild Schnazz took over, and we left because we thought he was abusing his power... and really, we just wanted to make the game more interesting. Joe, who was aligned with another guild joined us as well. Even you were in on the Alliance at one point and certainly used it to progress in the game.

Upon the reset, if one person significantly separates themselves from the others, I'm sure an alliance will form to keep that person in check. Along the way, there will be betrayal, and underhanded dealings, faulty alliances and despots, but it's a game about war; those are the things that make it fun. The unnecessary trash talking and the hyperbole, are just a plus.

Look at the Alliance and how much betrayal and underhandedness took place this past week, and how much posting was done about it as a result. The board was pretty much dead before the game... we were going through a dry spell, and there wasn't much talk other than the 2 or three topics concerning whether Will should quit movies.

It's a game, but you sir seem to be the only one taking it too seriously.

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