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What else are ya`ll into?


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I know most of you drop Poets, Freestyle and Songs on here. And than there is Vipa with his Beats and Chris with his Podcast etc. Now I wonder what else your into, and what the rest (the ones who dont post stuff in here) is into. (On the creative level). :wiggle:

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Ha! Pakalicous man East Is East is a funny ass movie!! Was this movie "izzat" another comedy?

Oh and I'm starting to write screen plays, books etc...might be a while till u see one though :lolsign:

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I'm starting to get into writing music, not necesserally rhymes, but bass lines with my bass. I did make a TV show last summer for community TV (basically it was videogame clips with the song "Party Starter" over it, lol) and I am into film and stuff, and I'll probably take film in college for at least a semister. And finally, I'll probably be going into my college's radio station when I start in the fall, I'm not sure if I want a show, so I'll probabbly be behind the scenes.

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im into playing music. i used to play the cello ( i know it was rubbish), a bit of the flute, the keyboard, but i mainly play classical and electric guitar, ive done it since i was about 9 or something. i havnt picked it up much in the last 2 years but hopefully i can again soon.

I also dance, me and my friends used to be in a dance group and we performed for charity events.

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I like to build websites (building a will smith site right now), and work with programs like photoshop.

Nothing proffessional, just for fun' :wiggle:

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lol i pretty much hate doing any type of art. i never could write, altho ive given it a try lately. im not serious about it tho. i cant play any instruments nor can i draw and have no desire to. i can build websites but thats old and boring too and i dont like it anymore. basicially im not artistic at all haha.

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besides writing, I have quite the artisitc soul lol

multimedia art/commercial art ( acrylic, charcoal, ceramics. etc....I'm no 3 cookies either lol)

graphic design/computer imaging ( I'm an admitted photoshop- aholic, also used to work with QuarkXpress)

photography ( sorta learnin' on my own with a few digital cameras)

writing( poems, short stories, novel in the works...some of my work made it into a small magazine, school literary projects)

it's basically all stuff I started to get into/study in High School...except photography that's more recent, and I've been into writing stories since the fifth grade, but Creative Writing and Writer's Workshop in HS did give me a push to go further with it.....but aside from this type of stuff, I may not be the most talented person lol

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I write movie scripts, but I ain't that good, lol. I also LOVE acting, writing books, and stuff like that.

The only thing I actually thought as a carieer for me would be acting and or rapping.

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