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The future doesnt look that bright


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At least not around here. In Sweden, there are going to be elections later this year. A Swedish nazi party (well, they dont say that they are, but they are) got the support from 20% of the Swedish population under 18 (which means that they cant vote, which is a good thing), and if we are really unlucky, they might get 4% of the votes which would mean that they enter the Swedish parliament.

In the Swedish parliament there are right now seven parties, and if they join there might be eight or in a worst case scenario, seven parties. Seven parties would mean that the nazi party (Sweden Democrats they call themselves) could take the role that the Green Party got right now, meaning that they are the ones who can make the decisions if the left side and the right side cant become an majority (I hope you understand what I mean lol).

Meanwhile in Denmark, there are an even worse situation. Their nazi party is the third largest and grow all the time.

It doesnt look good at all here in Scandinavia I'm afraid and one of the reasons is that the immigrants have a tendency to dominate the prisons. This is one of the main arguments that the nazis use, but if they would think like normal people they should see that there are lots of other things to think about before you look at the statistics; There are no jobs in Sweden. You can live anyway, because in Sweden everyone gets enough money from the government to live and eat.

However, that money are our taxes (the Swedish welfare culture; you dont have to work), which means that the nazis are using that as well as an argument. "They are living on our taxes" some say and yeah that would be quite fair to say if the immigrants were able to choose. There are no works and lets say, those people had a rough time before they came here and now they are addicted to cigarettes or alcohol or something, and the welfare system might pay them their food but they cant get hold of those things and out of desperation they commit crimes and go to jails. And everything is our fault because we dont help them, we dont support them to take them out of their addiction or whatever it could be, and the government aint helping because they are doing nothing to create more jobs... It doesnt look good.

Now, this was a complicated post to write and probably even more hard to understand but... I just had to write it. Scandinavia is going nazi.

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Well, the Swedish party that I call nazi, "Sverigedemokraterna", is sponsored by Bernard Mengal who is pretty much an outspaken antisemite. Many many of the leaders in the party got a background in the even more extreme National Socialist Front that was registred as an party on the day of Adolf Hitlers birthday (pretty much an evidence that they are nazis).

They say that they arent nazis, but thats just vote fishing. They change their party programs so that it doesnt make them look too extreme. They turn and twist to get as many votes as possible, but everyone know that they are going to turn more and more at the wrong way. For example, under many years they said that they wanted to forbid mosques (and such) in Sweden, but when they realised it cost them to many votes, they changed it...

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  Turntable said:
15% of the dutch are rasist. 25% prefer no to have other people in the country.

Thats just wack!

But I guess It's the same here in Sweden...But we (And I say we, but that dont include me and lerk and most of the swedish population) just are used to not sharing our opinion and political views

The weird thing is that when you tell people that 20% of the Swedish population under 18 wants "sverigedemokraterna"(Yes, they are Nazis. I agree Wit Lerk), they get shocked! Even most of the people under 18 don't understand why people are thinking like that.

Well, I hope that they don't get to enter the Swedish parliament!

:damnyou: :damnyou:

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Word up. The minister who arranges imigration right, etc. over here is s straight Nazi too, if you ask me (She wanted to forbid people from other countrys so talk theyr own langaueg out on the streets). She also has some imence popularity. But theer are also big public statemesnt agains her from Rappersy, youth groups etc. Its getting better, caus the next elctions are near and it looks like the social ones are gonna win this time.

I notice the high quote of racism sometimes tho. I`m not dutch, and people arent having a hard time to tell caus of my latin influences. But the fronting against me is very lil compard too what peeps from other countrys get. I couldnt beleiv it this one time.. A guy gave me a hard time caus I was hanging with a black girl. I was near to beating him up, but I dont wanna get on that level. I actauly like that girl and I might ask her our in the near future.. He better shuts up then,lol

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  Turntable said:
Word up. The minister who arranges imigration right, etc. over here is s straight Nazi too, if you ask me (She wanted to forbid people from other countrys so talk theyr own langaueg out on the streets). She also has some imence popularity. But theer are also big public statemesnt agains her from Rappersy, youth groups etc. Its getting better, caus the next elctions are near and it looks like the social ones are gonna win this time.

Saw that on the news here in sweden. Thats just crazy! :nhawong:

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