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a new jjfp album?


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  • Admin
2 me the timing seems perfect for a new jazzy jeff & fresh prince album..theres no fun in todays rap music.. and if jjfp came back out i think it would be like a breath of fresh air...its time for will to step away from his real name and come back with his emcee name and his dj! but seiously i cant think of a better time for will to come back out with a jazzy jeff & fresh prince album..wills last album was more pop orientated and wasnt very successful..but if he came back with a real hard hip hop album jjfp style..i think it could be really big...
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As much as I want a JJFP album, I don't think it will blow up. When hip-hop cats like [b]KRS-ONE[/b] record on indie labels, you know the industry has a problem. Jeff couldn't even get Columbia to act right concerning his album. The industry is only concerned about what's hot now.

I agree that a JJFP album would be a breath of fresh air but the industry is so polluted and corrupt with talentless rappers that most people wouldn't even want to hear from JJFP.

Just my opinion...
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I love that idea, but If JJ+FP were 2 make records again, they'd have 2 make more than just one album. If they made somethin' strictly 4 the underground and nothing 2 try and get back on top of the game, it would work. An album that celebrates their 10th anniversary with remixes or somethin' would be cool now.

Also, since Will Smith will forever be the Fresh Prince 2 most of us, I don't think going back 2 that name would be necessary. Over the years he has evolved into Will Smith, which is a more mature, wiser version of FP.
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  • Admin
i think there are a lot of jjfp fans( i mean theyve sold millions of records) who might not be saying damn i really need a new jjfp album..but if one was released theyd be really excited and get it...yet there are millions of will smith fans who have totally fallen off.. admittedly through that big willie style and willennium era the "will smith fans" seemed to get younger and younger..but now they are a little older and will isnt cool anymore or sumthing... i seriously think.. a dope jjfp album could be commercially successful perhaps even more than a will smith fan album at this stage.. why? because the industry's so unstable the kids probably wont even check for a dope new will smith album...but jjfp? that will bring out all the older..hip hop heads..that check for dope music..like a new tribe album..or sumthin from common etc..
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I think there were lots of times in the past 3 years that a JJ+FP waz due. I think now isn't as strong as a time as those other times, but either way, Hip-Hop needs something like that and fast.

I think they should go out there and do it and treat it like any other commercial album and promote it 4 the masses. I mean, look at "Hey Ya"...i don't think anybody expected that and it waz huge. JJ+FP might have that same magic, give the people something they don't usually hear that feels good...and they could be unstoppable.
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A new JJFP album is definatly needed.

I would love it to happy but in order for them to regain the success status that they had like with Homebase, they need to really make this album great. It's gotta be new skool but with the almost the same type of fun loving lyrics. I think it's time to for Will to put movies on hold and just get with Jeff for a few months and focus on music. If they really have the time they could make everything awesome. Will's rapping skills and lyrics have to be top of the line. He can't rap like he did on Born to Reign (if you could even consider half of that album, rap).
JJFP would also need a big label. A label that believes in them and gives them the creative freedom and promotion that Jive did. When I say believe, I mean believe that JJFP even though they are in their mid to late 30s, can still be on top of the rap world. Not like Columbia who thought Will was too old. Promotion is a key factor. The same type of promotion that Jive did.
Will also has to give up the "Will Smith" music name. He is not "big Will" anymore, he needs to revert back to the Fresh Prince. I don't want another "Will Smith" or "Jazzy Jeff" solo albums. I want a full-blown JJFP album.

Without these factors, JJFP could be unstoppable.
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[quote=DevilsJim89,Mar 18 2004, 08:09 PM]I think it's time to for Will to put movies on hold and just get with Jeff for a few months and focus on music.

He can't rap like he did on Born to Reign (if you could even consider half of that album, rap).

JJFP would also need a big label. 

Will also has to give up the "Will Smith" music name.
Without these factors, JJFP could be unstoppable.[/quote]

First off, I don't think Will is going to hold off making movies nor should he. He's a great actor and he needs to keep making moves in the acting industry. I don't think that his movies are affecting his musical talents.

Second, the main thing we keep talking about is how rap is so mundane and predictable. We talk how there is no creativity or orginality in hip-hop. In Born To Reign, Will wanted to experiment and try something different. You can't knock him for wanting to try something new. We can't have it both ways.

Third, it is highly unlikely that JJFP will get signed to a big label. We got cats like KRS-One, Jeff and Queen Latifah recording on indie labels. Why? Because big labels don't care about hip-hop legends. Big labels want cats who talk about nonsense on hot beats. It's all about sales and I don't believe these big labels will give JJFP a chance anymore.

Finally, Will Smith has grown up. The Fresh Prince was young & cocky and now Will Smith is more mature, family oriented, and wiser. He could use the FP moniker, but I don't think you'll see songs like Who Stole The DJ or Code Red. There will be more mature songs and I don't think a lot of young kids are feeling that. They want songs about flossing, girls, etc.

I think they should do one more JJFP record and then head out to the sunset. They can't keep rapping forever. Edited by TopDawg14
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I think another full JJFP album would be fantastic, but i dont really think they should go under that name. At the end of the day its all about promotion and the only reason any of the albums didnt sell was because of poor promotion coz all there albums are dope.

I think using Wills name helps with promotion coz these days ppl know him better as Will Smith. The only down side to that, is that his real name is associated with movies and i think he needs to break free from that tie he has with his music and movies. Coz these days he is known as Will Smith the actor and it shouldnt be that way.

I think their success is completely in the hands of the record company. Ive seen artists failing with really rubbish songs, but then their record company has come in and pushed the songs so hard that they have been a success even tho they r rubbish (if that makes sence). So if their record company pushed promo really hard they have garanteed success.

But again this is just my opinion. :biggrin:
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Fresh Prince can still be funny and cocky but at a more mature level. If you look at Will's last 3 albums, he still does rap about gettin' with women even though he's a family man. It may not be at a funny level anymore, but about chillin' with women is still in the picture. Whats he gonna rap about? his kids? That wouldn't work. Sure, Just the Two of Us was a hit but against today's rappers, it wouldn't sell. He should be cocky and rap about his good life and stuff, thats what rappers do don't they? Brag about themselves. JJFP could still rip some dope lines about themselves and how they are better then the rest.
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  • Admin
jjfp can still rock sum serious music tho..id imagine the album 2 be like the latter half of willennium...

potnas/no more/uhh/the rain and pump me up... new skool jjfp mixed with ol skool rap
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I don't think the subject matter needs 2 change at all. Born To Reign is the perfect example. We know Will is married 2 Jada and he focuses on them on trax like "1,000 Kisses" and "Maybe"...but that dosen't mean that "Give Me Tonite" and "I Gotta Go Home" can't be totally legit. It's not like Will can't be attracted 2 other ladies, it's not like he hasn't been tempted by other huney dips out there. If Will dose a track like "No More," it can still be from the heart, but not based EXACTLY off his personal life style. It's not like he's claiming 2 be something he's not like Jay-Z, Ja-Rule, etc. Will still loads his rhymes up with comedy like on "Holla Back"...but he's grown up, so not all the humor has 2 be in your face and side-spliting. "Willow Is A Playa" is hilarious....but some people don't have any suddlety 2 their sense of humor tho' they might not notice it. When it comes 2 emcees...and people in general, Will has definitly stayed the same person he always has been AND grown up thru' the years. That's rare 2 find. Will dosen't need limitations, he can do any kinda track he wants and it'll definitly be from the heart. Out of all of his music, do ANY of his trax stand out as if he should have never recorded them?? I don't think so.
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You are on the money with your post. Will is more mature and doesn't need to "floss" and brag about himself. I know that's what most rappers do and that's the problem with rap today. We have all of these "studio gangsters and pimps" and everybody's talking about "keepin' it real" and Will gets trashed for keeping it [b]really[/b] real. If JJFP does another album, it will probably sound more like Willennium(The Rain, Afro Angel, Pump Me Up, Holla Back, Potnas, etc..) than anything else. Edited by TopDawg14
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