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Keeps Me Coming Back


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Keeps Me Coming Back

Poem written in summer '06, with additional verse added on Dec. 2, 2006

Even when time moves on

There's one thing that remains constant

Just as you see others come and gone

You'll see me calling your home again

Some might oppose that thought as wrong

They probably think that don't make sense

Since they're the ones who give up

While I remain pushing

Just when you thought that the time for us was up

You see that I bring the pace to the attack

When I keep coming back

This move is not from desperation

It's basically a plot for the continity of life like this is a habitation

This is long term investment

That I put in work for

I'll be there through good and bad situations

For less or for more

This has to be constant compared to the changes

I put in too much patience just to leave you hurt

The nemesis might try to humilate this

Since they don't want to convert

I stand tall above the hating

That's why I still have confidence that I could still win over your heart

This is the reason to keep coming back

There's no slack since I've met you at the start

I don't know where this story will end

I keep on searching to unlock the key to your heart so you'll let me in

You've been quite hesitant

That's why I take my time until you want to press the ignition

It's a two way street, that's why I remain to compete

It's up to you try to come halfway for me, really there's no more I guess I could do really

I done it all already, if you don't want my in your life, I need somebody else that'll keep me to come back

My love for god will always keep me on the tracks

Just penning down more emotions will make me keep on the attack

I would like to shout out Chingy for making me writing this rap

I'm not your fan really but you spoke to my heart when I heard your song homie

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This move is not from desperation

It's basically a plot for the continity of life like this is a habitation - I know what you mean, definitely.

I stand tall above the hating

That's why I still have confidence that I could still win over your heart

This is the reason to keep coming back

There's no slack since I've met you at the start - I've felt that way sometimes but have been resisting the urges. I just hope your not going for her when all hope is basically long gone. If you can be happily with her, that's good. Just watch yourself. U know? Your a smart brotha, so I'm sure you'll figure out where you stand and what you want to do.

"I don't know where this story will end

I keep on searching to unlock the key to your heart so you'll let me in

You've been quite hesitant

That's why I take my time until you want to press the ignition

It's a two way street, that's why I remain to compete

It's up to you try to come halfway for me, really there's no more I guess I could do really

I done it all already, if you don't want my in your life, I need somebody else that'll keep me to come back

My love for god will always keep me on the tracks

Just penning down more emotions will make me keep on the attack

I would like to shout out Chingy for making me writing this rap

I'm not your fan really but you spoke to my heart when I heard your song homie" - Your 3rd verse is powerful and touching.

You can only feedback something like this so much. Your a talented writer and rightfully expressed yourself. I liked your use of words too.

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Well really the truth has been that no matter how much I try to keep myself busy, I just feel something missing without talking to her and doing things together over these past few months I haven't connected with her, I might be called soft to say something like that but that's how I feel, it's like when I talk to her and do things with her we really connect but with her man in her life I've been more resistant, I guess as long as he keeps her happy that's the main thing, I'll find somebody else that'll keep me coming back gradually when god has it in his plan, I can't fight his will at this point, he did this to test me I realise, I'm not letting it bother me though anymore, really just gotta be strong and keep my head up, my queen will be out there if it ain't her but if she really feels the connection with me she'll call me and tell me gradually I guess, really I just gotta be thankful for the other opportunities I have in my life and not let this one pitfall bring everything else down like dominoes, I recently entered a contest on poetry.com and I finished in the top 33 out of thousands that entered, I learned this today in the mail, so I guess the misfortunes I thought I had really ain't there at all, I'm tripping over nothing, lol, I really think I'm gonna make something out of what I'm doing, I think god's gonna help me make a big difference and influence others, I could become a big time artist and a positive role model just like my role models, and I really think this will be the last time I'll be touching on this subject, really this is the only thing I wrote about her in a year at least, I just did it when I heard Chingy's song on the radio over the summer, I had to stop listening to a lot LL's last album too 'cause I was thinking of her too much, I bumped hardcore records from artists like Ice Cube and DMX more often to get my thoughts off of her, like Ne-Yo I've got "So Sick" of love songs, I'm naming drop so much in this post that's it'd make Game bluff but you get what I'm saying? lol I've been writing a bunch of different stuff lately too that I'm gonna pull out and share with y'all too, I haven't really posted much rhymes lately, basically I've been just thinking a lot about things, probably gonna pick up the writing again too, I sorta had my emotions bottled in that made me break down I guess, writing is a therapy, "Music For Life" like that song on Hi-Tek's album, gonna have to bump that a few times now

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It's really good. I feel it, caus I have kinda the same thing, even tho I'm younger. All you can do is allways be there for her when she needs you, and time will show if its destiniyd to be more than just friendship.

By the way, which Chinfy song inspired you? Pulling Me Back? That inspired me too.. I wrote some lines for that girl, and it also was inspired by Pulling Me Back. It's a really good song. I stoped hating on Chingy ever since that record.

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I received a certificate in the mail saying that I've finished in the top 33 and I'm gonna hang it on my wall with pride, one day I hope to have a Grammy Award and a platinum plaque sitting in my trophy case right by it, I really hope that I could tell her the good news soon about my certicate 'cause she's really one of my biggest fans, I just need to think more positive about things :1-say-yes:

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